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Why is your kid in my yoga class?

I don’t have kids yet. In fact, I’m not even married, so perhaps I just don’t understand the need some parents have to bring their children everywhere. Here’s the kicker: I like kids. I do. They’re funny, endearing, dirty little miniature humans. Also, they’re adorable and fun to play with. But I’m eternally confounded by the places parents bring their kids. Granted, some kids are more well-behaved than others (I guess I’ll pray that I don’t have a screaming, bipolar, picky-eater one day) but that doesn’t change the fact that there are some places that remain obstinately, blessedly kid-unfriendly.

Just a nice way of saying, "We would prefer it if you didn't bring your children into our establishment. If you do you will regret it."

From what I understand, certain parents are convinced that their little darling should be allowed into every establishment on the planet, and failure to provide the child with a strawberry lemonade and crayons is an assault on their right to be a parent. Restaurants are tricky, especially the neighborhood variety, but there are some places I go to in part because it’s a virtual certainty that there wont be any kids or cell phones present.

Yoga class is just such a place. A hot, quiet environment entirely absent of whining, screaming and sniggering. Until yesterday. I saw the offending offspring when I arrived at class to sign in, and figured their mom was enrolling at the studio and they would be leaving. Then she poured powdered electrolytes into each of their bottles of water, handed them each a towel and headed down the hall. And so, confounded yet again by the arrogance of certain parents, I signed in, grabbed a mat and headed resentfully towards what should have been an invigorating workout, but what turned into the longest hour of my life.

Does this look like a place for little boys? No. No it does not.

The boys looked like they were about eight and twelve, and their mom whispered instructions loudly throughout the entire pre-class savasana. Don’t worry, lady, we weren’t relaxing, we’re all here to help your kids find their inner balance. (Not). Once class finally started, the instructor was constantly having to correct them, essentially turning the class into a private lesson for the two underaged yogis, leaving the rest of us balancing precariously on one twisted leg and sweating profusely for much longer than the 30 or 60 seconds allotted for each posture. If you’ve ever practiced yoga, you know that any extra seconds your instructor adds to a pose make you shake so badly that you want to kick them in the shins. By the time class ended, Thing 1 and Thing 2 had fallen over a multitude of times, writhed around on the floor, whispered to each other and audibly made fun of the teacher, each other and everyone else in the class.

Trying to leave as soon as we were through, they stepped on people, tripped over ankles, arms and water bottles then threw their mats in a sweaty, tangled up heap on the floor. Apparently their mother did not see fit to loud-whisper yoga etiquette to them at the beginning of class.

I know for a fact that there are studios that offer classes specifically for kids, although I don’t know one single kid who would want to stand perfectly still for 60 minutes in a swelteringly hot room when they could be swinging by their toes from the monkey bars. My studio does not happen to offer kids classes. So to the parents who continue to force their spawn upon the rest of us in places where kids simply don’t belong: stick them in summer camp, find a babysitter, or skip yoga for the day, because the last thing I want to see in yoga class is your kid.

About Rachel



254 thoughts on “Why is your kid in my yoga class?

  1. Kids where kids don’t belong is a huge pet peeve of mine as well. I especially hate it when I pay $15 for a movie that was not made by Disney/Pixar, and there’s a child in the audience! If the movie is rated PG-13 or above, please find a babysitter. Don’t spoil everyone else’s night out because the neighbor down the street is too expensive!

    Okay, now I feel better. 🙂

    Posted by myfreakingawesomelife | July 11, 2011, 11:14 pm
  2. I think that I am doing pretty good as a parent. Reading all of this makes me feel better about how I am doing. Let me see what we have come acrossed. My son is 6 years old now. One time an old lady on the side walk accused him of bumping in to her while he was on his bike, but I did not actually see him do that. I was on my bike too and she yelled at me as well. One time when he was really little I was holding him on a leash that was attached to a teddy bear back pack that he was wearing …we were on the side walk and he tugged and the leash popped off and he fell on to the ground and a passing stranger saw that. One time I was alone with Ezra and we ran out of gas and we had to get help from a local car dealer ship…as far as getting gas back in to my car. One time when Ezra was a baby I upset my parents some how, which they are easily upset and I was their neighbor and I recall walking home in the evening carrying him in my arms and worrying about their anger. He is in first grade now and he is doing well.

    Posted by jessicaber | July 8, 2011, 12:57 am
  3. Omg I love this …THANK YOU. I too do not yet have children of my own yet but will in the next few years. It’s just a general lack of manners on the PARENT’S part. I’ve been to several nice restaurants this month alone only to have children running up and down the aisles …bumping to our table…beating on each other…all the while their parent’s continue dining and pretend their children do not exist. After crashing into our table twice I had to tell one of these little dears (who were pummling each other…the little lambs) calmly to knock it off…..after which they ran away in shocked…..lending me to believe they’ve never been corrected for manners in their lives. Haha great writing.

    Posted by japanesemiscellany | July 7, 2011, 11:12 pm
  4. This is so true. I love my yoga class to be serene and quiet. I haven’t had any children brought to my class but be one unhappy person if someone ever did.
    Very nice post …

    Posted by Inside the Mind of Isadora | July 7, 2011, 11:00 pm
  5. After watching a friend of mine be a decent and INCREDIBLY patient mom to her 2 pretty-well-behaved kids (girl, 9 + boy, 5), I’ve seen the challenges she goes through. It’s fabulous birth control. I love her kids, but I also love that she gets to take them away from me at the end of our hanging out.

    That said, there have been times when she has to bring them places. For example: she couldn’t afford a week of daycare at one point and had to bring both children to the office. Our office is laid back, but it was still fairly trying – she had them hang out in one of the conference rooms for the day. She brought things to do. When they would come into the main office for the umpteenth time and start running around, she would – yet again – tell them that it was an office, for grown ups, and please behave by going into the other room, etc. It was a tough week for the whole crew, and she did what she could.

    So, it makes me wonder: WHY did this woman choose to bring her children to something that is clearly almost a luxury hobby? There are places people have to take their kids. They give birth, that’s just in the contract. A yoga class for adults is not one of those places. She knew leaving the house that she was in control of two small children, children who will probably fidget. As a frequent practitioner of yoga, I get that it’s wonderful and joyous and you really really REALLY want to go to classes when you can. But again, did she really have to take her kids? REALLY!?!? If you are dead-set on yoga and know that your kids can’t sit quietly for an hour, if you can’t get a sitter or an option (like Kids Club in 24hour fitness) then guess what: it’s time to turn on the DVD player and do a session at home.

    She gets the side-eye deluxe special of the day.

    Posted by Larissa Horvath | July 7, 2011, 10:40 pm
  6. I think this is great. I am not sure about what you seem to have since said in a few replies (that misbehaving children are in the minority), but it is irrelevant anyway. The kids in your yoga class were misbehaving, and they shouldn’t have been there.

    I am a childless child-hater, but I can tolerate them when they behave. I might even be prepared to accept them in a yoga class, when they behave. But the second they start detracting from the class for those around them, they should be removed…

    Posted by ablackdogbarking | July 3, 2011, 10:39 pm
  7. Yeah I have a kid and I’m gonna have to agree with this. I’m surprised the yoga studio even allowed them in there. Most workout studios have a 14 year age limit. And those kids should’ve been put in a kids yoga class. I mean I know how it is to not have child care and want to go to yoga, etc but c’mon that’s disrespect to everyone else. If she wanted her boys to learn yoga then it should be in a class more geared to youth. What I do is go at 6AM when my kid is still sleeping so my husband can watch her before he goes to work. For my own sake, I want my yoga practice to be relaxing!

    On another note, I do understand the parents that feel negatively towards this post, especially the good parents that pay attention and discipline their children. I also understand this post is geared towards those parents who think their children can do no wrong, because frankly those people create grown up, self righteous adults. And I’m gonna sound cliche here, but you’ll understand a little better when you have children…..not saying this lady is right, though.

    Posted by realanonymousgirl2011 | July 1, 2011, 6:48 pm
  8. Great post.
    I am a firm believer that children are like dogs. Before you take them anywhere that they have to behave you have to exercise them. Whether it is walking them or throwing a ball for them; they must be thoroughly exercised.

    Posted by took1728 | June 27, 2011, 6:03 pm
    • Hi! And first off thanks for checking out my post, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m a dog owner and lover as well as a lover of kids. I don’t have kids yet, but getting my dog several years ago was my first real exercise in responsibility, and in fact I think I made this same comparison to my parents at some point, probably complaining about how I wish I could take the dog more places, how he misbehaves at inappropriate times and how I really don’t like letting him out at 5 AM. My parents chuckled at my naiveté and young-adult selfishness and assured me that adventures with children are infinitely more nuanced, challenging and that there’s a lot more grey-area when it comes to kiddos. In fact I’ve learned this lesson several times over since becoming a nanny 🙂

      Posted by Rachel | June 28, 2011, 6:24 pm
  9. Thank you Rachel you sound really nice and I thought that what you wrote in your blog was super cute in a relevent way to my post that is why I posted. 🙂 I agreed with you.

    Posted by jessicaber | June 27, 2011, 1:25 am
    • Hi! I’m so glad you enjoyed reading, I can’t wait to check out your blog as well! Thanks again for stopping by, I appreciate the nice comment 🙂

      Posted by Rachel | June 27, 2011, 1:43 am
  10. This made me laugh. It also makes me wonder what children would be like if yoga was apart of kindergarten curriculum.

    Posted by olivemore | June 27, 2011, 12:33 am
    • That is an extremely valid and interesting thought….maybe there would be less Ritalin in preschools? As for myself, I got kicked out of ballet class when I was 4 (hated skipping), so I probably wouldn’t have been the best candidate for post-recess meditation. I’m glad you got a laugh, and thank you for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 27, 2011, 1:46 am
  11. Good piece and I’m sorry for the few inevitable “Not my little darling” responses. It was funny and not in the least bit mean spirited. When children behave badly (and they all do at some point, I was a reigning heavyweight champ myself) it is not only disruptive and annoying, but also very awkward as the other adults silently pray that the parent or parents will address the issue.

    If I have to be a grown up and not smoke or swear and behave in a certain manner in child friendly atmospheres, the parents might want to meet us half way. You paid for that class, just as people save and pay for special occasion meals in nicer restaurants, and little kids don’t need to be there. That’s what Chuck E Cheese and babysitters are for.

    And any parents that have a rebuttlal…don’t you have a play date or time out that you’re late for?

    Posted by S. Trevor Swenson | June 26, 2011, 10:39 pm
  12. Wow! As a mommy, even I have to agree with this post in its entirety. There definitely some places where children are off limits, and admittedly, even I look forward to going to some of those places. There’s nothing like getting a break from mommy duties for a spell. So if I were to wind up some place where children are unlikely to be, only to find children there, I’d be highly agitated myself! GREAT post!

    Posted by 4writermom | June 26, 2011, 1:20 am
  13. Lol. When my son Tristan was born I asked my friend Mirabai if he could come to her yoga class while I took instructions there from her and she said no. She has sustained a brain injury yeas earlier and she was teaching a yoga class at the local senior center and part of her rehabilitation for herself. I respected her wishes and just did not go. I am still in shock when I think about her telling me “no” though. He would have just slept in his little baby carrier I am sure. He was just a new born.

    Posted by jessicaber | June 24, 2011, 11:48 pm
    • Hello! First thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!! I completely agree with you about your infant though, he would have slept and no one would have been the wiser. The boys in my class were in the 8 to 12 age bracket and had the boundless, never-ending Energizer energy of boys that age. Thanks for checking out my blog, and I’m sure your little one would have been fine in class!

      Posted by Rachel | June 25, 2011, 12:13 am
  14. OMG. We take our three year old to restaurants, museums, movies (kids) and pretty much anywhere and we’ve been doing so since she was two weeks old. But I would never had the audacity to ruin a yoga class with the presence of my daughter. Totally inconsiderate. I would give the yoga studio a hard time for allowing it.

    Posted by bornagainbrazilian | June 24, 2011, 5:03 pm
    • I didn’t say anything just because it was the first time it happened and I didn’t want to cause a scene…that being said, if it happens again I might (maybe) mention something to the instructor. I guess there’s always the off-chance that the boys wanted to go….I guess I’ll never know! Thanks for stopping by, I’m glad you liked it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 5:16 pm
  15. Oh my goodness. As an ex TA of a daycare center I understand completely. I have had some experiences with this. Just a few to amuse and horrify commenters. 🙂

    1. Class. If you are in College or a University this is a definate don’t do. While I love the offender who did it, the lady who always sat next to me in class, this was not exactly humorous or an educated leap that it is the best choice to bring your three year old to a Women’s Literature class while we are reading slave narratives.
    While we discuss the topic of forced intamacy of slaves there was a three year old screaming go train go as his red train THAT HAD A MUSIC WHISTLE AND SIREN spiraled across the table. Really it was a loss for the woman anyway. The Professor got so distracted and angry at everyone paying more attention to the kid and MUSICAL toys (how could you blame them) she canceled the rest of class fifteen minutes in.

    2. I kid you not. Way back in the dark ages when Leo and Kate graced the screen on Titanic, a family of six thought it would be delightful to bring there ages 3,5,7,9 year old kids to the movie about over 1000 people parishing in the North Atlantic. I however was a teen at the time so I had enough common sense what not to say or scream out. I’ll set up the scene. As they say in the movie it was one of the most erotic moments of Rose’s life. She’s being sketched in the nude by Jack. Suspense is rising. Will they or will they not fall even more in love. Right when we’re about to fall in love to the most possible extent from three rows back erupts, “Daddy make it stop!” Really? This movie is not age appropriate for children.

    3. The last and final one. 🙂 While it is a children’s series and loved by many all over the world, before parents bring their children to see Harry Potter some ground rules should be established.
    A. No one gives a rip how many times your kid read the books. It is not really necessary for them to scream out the number six times and that they know everything about it.
    B. If your child is old enough to go to the movies they should be old enough to know what a whisper voice is. If he’s going to ask everyone around him do you know what is next, if I am in the row infront of him I should not be able to hear it.
    C. Know I am liable to choke your child if he screams out the parts of the movie to come. Yes I know my ABCs and have read the book too. We do not need your little brat spoiling it.
    D. Warn your child and all other adults you go with that if your child does not stay quiet, they will be speedily removed or my shoe will magically be transported into a weapon and because you are too slow to realize the audience wants to mob you and your child, you both will deserve what ever enraged response you get.

    Posted by kathleenkatari | June 24, 2011, 2:46 pm
  16. Strive when the iron is hot! 😀

    This kind of kids is victims of their parents. They grow up like wild animals without knowing what is right and what is wrong, what they can do and what they can’t. And they often mistake the wrong for the right. Poor them! And poor their parents too!

    Posted by Mèo Lười Việt | June 24, 2011, 2:43 pm
  17. I’m with you on this one. It probably boiled down to her wanting to come to Yoga and not having a sitter, or not wanting to pay for one.

    Posted by huffygirl | June 24, 2011, 2:34 pm
  18. “If you’ve ever practiced yoga, you know that any extra seconds your instructor adds to a pose make you shake so badly that you want to kick them in the shins.” <—–absolutely!

    My son is two and I am eagerly awaiting the day I can take him to a yoga class… but when I do, it will be to "Family" or "Kids" yoga. I'm with you on this one.

    Posted by Jess | June 24, 2011, 2:17 pm
  19. That sign is an original I love it !! Can you imagine a kid with an exspresso and free puppy showing up to their parents. Good blog. Come visit http:thor27.wordpress.com

    Posted by thor27 | June 24, 2011, 2:17 pm
  20. Well said!

    As a non-parent, I sometimes hesitate to pass judgment on how people raise their kids, but I like to think that most sane people would agree that children are not raised in a vacuum, and that their behavior effects those around them. I’m tired of parents playing the victim card and acting as if it’s everyone else’s responsibility to adjust their lives.

    Posted by David Lockeretz | June 24, 2011, 2:15 pm
    • Hi! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me some feedback! I didn’t mean to pass judgement on ALL children, but this was just my questionable experience! Glad you enjoyed it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 5:03 pm
  21. haha, you’re so right! I laught my head off!

    Posted by V. | June 24, 2011, 2:13 pm
  22. Hilarious. I’m a mom and I totally agree. There’s places for kids and then there’s not. My husband and I always try to avoid places where I know I get those glaring eyes as the kids are carted in. We’ve left places that we didn’t feel comfortable staying. Although I’ve gotten those stares in places that are kid friendly too. Love your write up.

    Posted by suzyhomebaker | June 24, 2011, 1:53 pm
    • Hello! Thanks for the comment! I think my parents did the same thing when we were little, I’ve heard many a horror-story about my how many “to go” dinners they ended up eating because either my brother or myself were being problematic at a restaurant. Thanks for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 5:06 pm
  23. Absolutely spot on!!! The gym I go to has a daycare center that closes at 9pm, but the gym stays open until 12. It drives me absolutely batty that parents bring there kid in for a late night workout!!!! I’m trying to get my burn and there’s kids running all over the place breaking my concentration. There’s nothing like running on the treadmill next to the elliptical that a 7 year old keeps falling off of.

    Posted by feigndeaf | June 24, 2011, 1:47 pm
    • Hahah I’m so ADD that if someone next to me on an elliptical trips up I do too. Needless to say, if someone actually fell off, I’d 100% fall off too so I totally feel your pain! Thanks for stopping by, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 5:08 pm
  24. Absolutely incredible article! I am right there with you. Some parents absolutely amaze me. It takes all kinds though right?

    Posted by 2ButtonSwag | June 24, 2011, 1:36 pm
    • It does indeed take all kinds I learned that at an early age thank goodness, and as per the cliché, you never stop learning! Thanks for checking out my blog!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 5:10 pm
  25. Love this!! I have kids, all grown now and I work with kids. And like you I love kids, I thinks they are great but I also feel there are places children just shouldn’t be at and I would agree Yoga would be one of these places. I have noticed a lot lately that kids get away with so much, my kids never did. At the grocery store I watched and heard a women yelling at her kids as they screamed “I want this and he did that” And she screamed right back the entire time she shopped.

    Now I don’t know if it just the generation I was raised in, our the generation I raised my kids in but that would have never happen. Once my son had a fit in the store, I told him to stop or we were leaving, he called my bluff and I picked him up apologized to the customer service desk as I left my cart full of food. Not a word said all the way home and off to his room he went. I went shopping later that night when his father came home. Know what he never did it again. LOL

    Posted by nomoregluten4me | June 24, 2011, 12:20 pm
    • Hahahah my mom did the EXACT same thing with both me and by little brother (we’re 20 and 24 now)…she was so, so mad about leaving all her groceries, but apologized to the check-out lady, scraped me off the floor, drove home where I was promptly placed in time-out. Obviously she’s told me the story a few times…I’m glad you liked it, and thank you for taking the time to read and comment!!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 5:13 pm
  26. It didn’t occur to anyone that maybe she just couldn’t find a sitter? No, I’m not one of those self righteous moms, I don’t have kids and don’t plan to have kids, ever. But a lot of people seem to be totally dumbfounded as to why on earth she would ever bring her kids to yoga – maybe she had no where else to put them? In which case most people would have just stayed home but some parents don’t understand that having kids means sacrificing personal time.

    Posted by Gabrielle | June 24, 2011, 11:39 am
  27. Amen! I’m a folk musician. My music is lyric focused and not for kids although some do enjoy the show – they’re well-behaved or simply sleep through the show. I have no argument with them. But sometimes little Johnny is allowed to run up and down the aisles, stand right in front of me and dance or be otherwise disruptive. No one can focus on what I’m doing. I work hard writing and performing songs. Please respect that.

    If you can’t find a sitter for your child or if you can’t take your child out of the room if he gets active, please don’t come to my shows. I hate to be this harsh but it ruins the experience for everyone in that room.

    There. I feel so much better. Thank you.

    Posted by jamiebobamie | June 24, 2011, 11:20 am
  28. Amen! I’ve seen kids in tiny gourmet, expensive restaurants, R-rated movies and other places where they should not be. It’s rude and inconsiderate. And if some people complain, the parents have the nerve to cry “discrimination!”, which is a joke!

    There are TONS of places that cater to children, let there be some places that are adults only.

    Posted by Pauline | June 24, 2011, 11:10 am
  29. Thank you. You just made me feel like I was alone! Great read :0)

    Posted by candice88 | June 24, 2011, 10:19 am
  30. Very entertaining, and even though I have yet to try yoga, I know enough about it to know right off the bat that I would NOT want aome hyper active KID in the class!

    On a similar – but not quite – note; I managed to get a refund from my local movie theatre, when a couples crying infant (no, not even a kid – an INFANT!) disturbed me and most others at the screening of the Cohen brothers Burn After Reading.

    Posted by cobb | June 24, 2011, 10:01 am
  31. Wow, this is a funny post. I have different eyes now that I’m a parent. I have said when I was a kid & teenager that “I hate kids. I will never have kids”, etc. But how things change. Up until I had my son, I was annoyed at the sounds of babies crying & yelling & toddlers pitching tantrums, etc. But now, my mind is totally different. It’s easier to tolerate listening to children now that I have my own kid. I am a single mom & have a lot of medical problems. I can’t afford a babysitter, but what I’ve been trying to do lately for my own doctor’s appointments is have my boyfriend/my son’s father watch him during those. I schedule the appointments for a time where he’s not working his 2 jobs in the same day. It’s been working out, thankfully. Cos taking my 2-1/2-year-old to appointments like that, got crazy…mostly in the waiting room. I told them I have no choice. I don’t have friends around me who can help, & before, my boyfriend was working 2 jobs AND going to school. It’s just the way it was. & trust me, it SUCKED! Also, one time we went to eat (my boyfriend doesn’t live with me, but we do stuff together with my son), but late at night, at Applebees, & people were just GLARING at us because we had a young toddler in there at that hour. I felt terrible. I mean, yes, I am embarrassed when he acts up, & we DO scold him & ARE attempting discipline, but sometimes it just isn’t as easy as it sounds. I get so embarrassed that my discipline attempts aren’t working, & that it is turning into a disaster. An all-around sucky situation when it happens. It happened to me at another restaurant too. It’s because of my boyfriend’s work hours, where he doesn’t get out til later at night, so again, it’s just a do-what-we-can situation.

    I WISH I could afford to go to something like a dance class or something like that, for just *ME*, the mom. Haha. But I can’t afford the childcare necessary to do that. & boyfriend works a crap ton. It’s a bit tough. I try to do my workout videos when I can, but honestly, it’s even hard when you’re at home! Total craziness. So I wait til he’s in bed. LOL!

    I still don’t think I’d take my little guy to a yoga class though. Dang. He is a VERY rambunctious little one, & I’m having issues with him pitching tantrums in places & in the stores, etc. now. Very frustrated, but doing the best I can. I still get bad looks from people though. It’s sad that some people in the comments said that children don’t even belong in stores like Target, or restaurants, etc. If it were a really FANCY high-class restaurant, I personally wouldn’t bring my kid there. But the store….come on now. Even the book store. The mall. Those I take him to, but again, because I don’t have another option right now to just freely go as I please, leaving him behind with someone. I’m sure that if my BF had a different schedule, I would be going by myself as much as possible, for my own sanity. But when I have to take my son, I just bite the bullet….when he’s being naughty & not listening (like at the checkout a few days ago, he was spitting his food out of his mouth onto the floor right in front of the next people in line)…I scolded him & said “oh god, I’m sorry” to those people. I try to seem like the parent who doesn’t purposely let their kid get away with murder. Not my intention. But it’s just a matter of go-with-it & bite the bullet. Sucky!

    There has to be a balance there. & it all depends on the child’s age & personality. This post made me laugh because I can just IMAGINE what would happen if I brought MY son to a yoga class. LMFAO! Disaster-in-the-making. Overall, there should be a balance where kids can & should not be allowed. It depends on a lot of factors. But your case….they probably should not have been there! Haha! Great post & great feedback from peeps with all sorts of ideas.

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    Posted by AmandaCamilleKrause | June 24, 2011, 9:55 am
  32. so cute….

    Posted by richannkur | June 24, 2011, 9:47 am
    • I agree! I have 3 under the age of 5 and I could not imagine being that rude! My kids behave decent in public, but still, you never know how your kids are going to behave. It seems like she wouldn’t even have enjoyed it herself. I know I would be waaaaaayyy too stressed out, wondering what they were going to do, how they would behave, and if they’d be quiet! Seems like the gym would have a rule against that. They may just start losing clients.

      Posted by Candace | June 24, 2011, 1:47 pm
  33. Very funny. I was having a mini-rant yesterday about the same thing. Although to be honest, it’s not children in my yoga class that bother me, it’s the women who’ve just gone to have a chat and make floaty shapes at themselves in the mirror who make me want to drown things. Quote of the week last week to our teacher: ‘That chanty thing you do at the beginning, does that mean something or what?’ *Sigh* Let the drowning commence.

    I’m not sure it’s parents who think their children are special that are the problem, I think it’s people who have children and think there is no need at all to change their lifestyle to accommodate them, like they’re some sort of accessory, instead of human beings. Note to these parents: children do not enjoy being dragged to the pub for sunday lunch. They do not enjoy camping in the rain (no matter how much fun it’s supposed to be) and they are not noted for their all-consuming interest in yoga.

    Posted by drinkeatcook | June 24, 2011, 8:35 am
  34. You’re a better person than I am. I don’t like kids at all.

    Check out my post on how strongly I feel about this:

    Posted by leeschmidt | June 24, 2011, 8:28 am
  35. I wholeheartedly support this post. I really do. I have a very… energetic three year old and there are some places that kids just do not belong.

    But I must confess to sometimes having a complete brain fail, thinking it’ll be fine! It’ll be fun! He’ll behave! And then I take him somewhere unwise. Admittedly, this usually involves museums and art galleries (no, I don’t know why either) rather than yoga classes, but still.

    Of course, I usually also leave, briskly, as soon as he starts putting his sticky hands all over the 3000 year old sculptures.

    Anyway, I do hope this was just one such case, and that the mother and the children do not make a return visit to your next class.

    Posted by Solnushka | June 24, 2011, 8:03 am
    • Haha I love how you describe your son as “…..energetic.” sometimes it seems like there running on lithium batteries. Anyways thank you for your lovely comment and I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 10:55 am
    • it’s a fine line when you have children. Kids need to be brought regularly to public places, otherwise when will they learn when to sit still, be quiet, focus for more than 2 seconds, ask questions, use their knife and fork, how and when they can go pee etc.

      So I thank you for taking your child to the museums etc…..but also for taking him away when he starts playing up! There’s nothing I dread more than trying to enjoy somewhere (a library, museum, art gallery or church) only for that peace to be disturbed by a child who plays up and continues to do so, with the parent not being in charge. I know children (esp toddlers) aren’t adults, don’t necessarily have the words to express when they are tired, hungry or just plain cranky – so I place the onus and responsibility on the adult to ensure they behave – or at least remove them to somewhere else until they do!

      Posted by Nordie | June 24, 2011, 2:32 pm
  36. Some people seem too attached to their kids…there are even people that bring their offspring to uni and make them sit through lectures all day and seem to get really cross with them when they don’t sit still, be quiet or behave. There is a time an place for children and yoga, bars, certain restaurants and uni are definately not good times and places. 🙂 I really do agree with your blog! Thanks for sharing! And congrats on being freshly pressed! 🙂

    Posted by artreviewed | June 24, 2011, 6:59 am
  37. You are so right! I can tell by the comments that this resonated with a lot of people, including me. I, like you, love children, but do not want them everywhere I go. ESPECIALLY not a yoga class!

    There have been times when I’ve gone to a nice restaurant, a gym, even an R-rated movie (!!!), specifically looking to have a kid-free time, but found them there anyway. Some parents don’t seem to get that if they want to enjoy these places and let others enjoy them as intended, they need to find a sitter. It’s common courtesy.

    UNLESS, as “J.” brought up, the children are very well behaved. That means no running around, screaming, fighting, crying, squirming, and so forth. They need to be able to act as adults would.

    …Well, I don’t know about the R-rated movie thing…but you know what I mean.

    Congrats on FP.


    Posted by marlowesnymph | June 24, 2011, 6:26 am
    • Thanks for your comment! It certainly has “resonated” wig a lot of people…positively and negatively hah. Never claimed to be an expert, it was just my experience! anyways, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 10:57 am
  38. You are my hero.

    Posted by saratoday | June 24, 2011, 6:23 am
  39. I would definitely talked to the yoga teacher and told her you won’t be taking any more classes if there are any kids in it. There are “for kids only” classes. I work at a makeup counter and am always in disbelief when someone is trying to get a makeover while their 3 kids are running around the counter knocking over any merchandise eye level, screaming, breaking things and they want someone else to entertain them while they get their makeup done. Oh yes, that is so relaxing for you and me.

    Posted by makingup3000 | June 24, 2011, 6:20 am
  40. HI there,

    You have a point. Kids shouldn’t be involved in every single thing the parents do…

    Hilarious that you define them as thing 1 and thing 2 :’)

    Posted by Sharp | June 24, 2011, 6:17 am
  41. I really enjoyed your post, the imagery was comical in itself! I am a 26 year old momma of three young boys (4, 2.5, and 15 months), I love my little rug rats but I do not expect them to be perfectly self-controlled mini adults all the time. They are just little boys trying to understand life, like everyone else. I enjoy their craziness, it helps me relax and laugh. However, being respectful of others and their needs (like quietness) is part of being a conscious person. I would never bring them to an adult yoga class, I am sure they would bring some boyish embellishments to the floor…
    Anyways, what I do not appreciate is the “oh you must really like children,” “what birth control do you use,” “are you the nanny,” “you are way too young to have all those kids, what are you 16?” or “all those kids really yours” comments… My children are a gift, and explaining myself is really unnecessary…I completely agree with the comment, if it’s needed to remove your child from the situation…even if it means leaving a cart full of groceries.
    There is definitely a fine line of having “me” time and isolating your children from your life…there is always that struggle between “I am 26 and I just want to do what other peers are doing” and realizing I am my children’s human experience…I better make it a good one 🙂
    For you lovely lady: enjoy sleeping, creating pressed worthy blogs, caring for others children to bring a deeper appreciation for your future children, and a nice and hopefully quiet yoga time! Congrats to you!

    Posted by idreamofeden | June 24, 2011, 4:09 am
  42. I used to work in cafes and restaurants, and they would leave crap everywhere. But I have to say I can’t blame them, only the parents . If it happens again, you should contront them or tell the instructor it’s inappropriate!
    Anyway, great post and well written too. 🙂

    Posted by Asiah Hamid | June 24, 2011, 3:57 am
  43. I didn’t go through all of your comments, but I’m sure there are those other resentful parents, like me, who actually get sitters and go out to these places (spas, yoga classes, late-night apps & drinks, late night movies, etc.) without children for a reason. We want a break and we used our parent-brains to think of places kids should not be so we could get this break. To be tortured by someone else’s kid as he cries the most pathetic sleepy-cry ever at 11:30pm at the Cheesecake Factory as the parents and their friends toggle between ignoring him and scolding him while slowly consuming their dinner…and I slurp down martinis to dull the noise – it’s not ok. Seriously parents, take one for the team. Let some other mom get her yoga on in peace and take your kids to the playground instead. Great post!

    Posted by Victoria | June 24, 2011, 3:28 am
  44. LOL! I get annoyed by this stuff too. Did you tell the child to stop stepping on you? I saw a child in a grocery store a while back just knocking things off a shelf while his poor, frazzled mother paid for their merch. So I just said “Knock it off” and he went over and stood by his mom.

    I think it’s interesting (and I’m talking about quite a few commenters – not the post itself) that individuals get so upset by rude, misbehaving children when they could easily tell them to quit whatever it is they’re doing. Certainly, the parents know when their kid is driving people nuts, and they might appreciate not having to be the one to check them – or they could get super pissed! 🙂 Guess it’s a risk I’m willing to take.

    Great post and great comment moderation.

    Posted by Liz | June 24, 2011, 3:13 am
  45. This is just hilarious and I really like this post. I used to work at cafe that was more for mom’s and children’s and the behavior and things that I saw was just ridiculous. Like, children throwing up and the mom just sighing and leaving. Not even a sorry or a ‘let me clean my own child’s puke up for you.’ But that was in a cafe FOR that demographic and it was expected. But I’ve noticed the same behavior in really strange situations.

    I would be really pissed if that mom disrupted my class. I have a policy of, give me what I payed for. No more or no less. I think it’s really horrible that the yoga instructor allowed twenty or so other people’s experiences to be disrupted just for the sake of a few kids who should have been playing in mud, not in a well structured adult exercise class. For a start, where is the fun in structure, kids should be playing and doing stupid things outside. I went to a movie yesterday and I was really annoyed at the family behind me. They had really small kids who obviously didn’t understand anything that was happening. They were yelling the whole time and leaning over the my seat and putting their hands in my hair. I was shocked! All the mom did was tell them to sit down! HELLO, THEY COULDN’T SEE, MOM. Why did you put them at the back of the cinema where it’s too high! Just made me so mad and I was very close to get verbally mad about it. I mean, cinema tickets are expensive and I deserve to have a nice time, not have sticky popcorn hands in my hair… GRR. Sorry about the rant.

    But anyways, I really liked this. You aren’t getting angry at people who have kids, merely people who don’t understand what is appropriate with kids. Whether people like it or not, there needs to be respect for other paying customers. You handled the situation well, I would have gone off my head. Specially since Yoga is a time for relaxation and unwinding.

    Posted by pinkbambi13 | June 24, 2011, 2:55 am
  46. I have kids and I don’t let them subject us (and therefore everyone else) to tantrums or bad behaviour wherever. I can see why parents take their kids to a lot of places – it’s called lack of reliable day care and a desire to spend time and let them see what real life is like.

    Restaurants, I don’t see why people can’t take kids to, good behaviour being assumed (I would assume that holds good for adults as well!:-D). Yoga classes are an absolute no-no, though. What was the yoga studio doing allowing this? Businesses like money? They could have scheduled a time for the mother and her kids separately, right?

    I am a parent with a child who behaves well and all but does not always conform (and we get called to PTA more often than most others!) and after having him, I am a lot more tolerant of stuff that I see parents do. There but for the grace of god (on some days) go I!

    If you are able to keep this perspective when you are a parent, there’s no reason for kids to not be well behaved. Wishing you a non-colicky, perfectly fine baby for when (and if) you choose to have one! 😀

    Posted by Sangitha | June 24, 2011, 2:29 am
  47. There are places where kids belong, and there are places where kids DO NOT BELONG, and yoga class is for sure one of the DO NOT BELONG places. I don’t care how wonderful and special and well behaved your little darling is…he does not need to be in an adult yoga class. That’s what children’s classes are for, and if your babysitter cancels on you at the last minute, well, tough. Skip the class. If your kid is special and advanced and wants to learn yoga (or is just perfectly normal and wants to learn yoga), sign him up for a kid’s class. Then he can learn and if he really does love it, when he’s an adult he can go to adult yoga.

    This really strikes a nerve with me too (obviously!) as I am beyond tired of other people’s special little entitled screaming darlings. And I like kids, but I do not like the parents who do not know how to distinguish child-appropriate from adult-appropriate. And who think (like many others have already pointed out) that having children should not change their lives one iota, and they should still be able to do all the things they always did by dragging whiny unhappy bored children along with them, so that everyone else can be miserable too. Of course rude behavior is rampant, whether it involves children or not. We live in Entitlement World, I’m afraid, where everyone should get to do exactly what they please, regardless of how it affects everyone around them.

    This was a wonderful post and you have handled all the comments, including the ones from the Entitlement Parents, with amazing gracefulness!

    Posted by beth | June 24, 2011, 2:21 am
  48. When parents take small children to inappropriate places, it speaks less of their belief that the kids should go everywhere than it does to the parents’ own sense of entitlement.

    Posted by lifeintheboomerlane | June 24, 2011, 2:20 am
  49. Even if you hadn’t intended it, I love that you were brave enough to bring up the point that those of us who don’t have kids should not always have to put up with kids whenever we are in public. As an aunt who thinks the sun and moon revolve around her niece and nephew I spend a lot of time in kid friendly environments, like the park, restaurants and even shopping. When we are out in the day time I expect to be around kids, I don’t mind the little boys who run up to you and talk non stop about what ever their interest of the week is or the little girls who want to ask you a million questions about how old you are and why you don’t have your own kids. Cute. However when the sun goes down and I go to a night showing of movie, mom and dad better call a babysitter or they can wait until it comes out on video. It never fails to amaze me how rude parents can be sometimes. This isn’t every parent but there are ones out there that just need to realize they made the conscious decision to have that baby now they need to live with it. I made a choice not to have a baby so that I don’t have to live with them. If you want to take your kid somewhere make sure it’s kid friendly and time appropriate. Nothing kills me more than a five year old at a 9 o’clock showing of a PG13 movie.

    Posted by wingsoflea | June 24, 2011, 2:11 am
    • Thank you very much for your nice comment! There’s a boutique by my house that I go to every so often, and the woman who owns it always has her grandson who is the talkingest kid you’ve ever met. Asks my middle name, my favorite color, where I went to school, who my best friend is and tells me his whole life story. He’s absolutely adorable. But every time, his grandma asks if I mind/tells him to leave me alone. Of course I don’t mind!! They’re supposed to be inquisitive! But at least she asks, because not everyone likes to be serenaded by a six year old when they shop. Thanks for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 2:22 am
  50. I do side with you on this argument, There are some places that -are not at all- kid friendly, and I just can’t help it when I see kids in places where they’re not supposed to be in,behaving really badly or becoming too noisy that you start to lose your temper because of them. Like the OB clinic or any doctor’s office (except of course for pediatrics).

    Posted by Yasmine Wael | June 24, 2011, 2:02 am
  51. Rachal, I did not read all 156 of the comments, but I thought it was a Good post and worthy of the fresh press:) Congrats.

    As a parent and a lover of serene moments of relaxation… I can completely understand your point of view. Last week we went to the movie theater, and who sits directly behind us? A huge family with a newborn in a car seat.

    With that said, I cannot wait to see posts from you after you’re married with children. Lets say 5 years and 2 kids… you should have plenty of horror stories by then. Tales of things you never expected to have to do. Do for them, do for him, try to do for you but run out of time. Ultimately you end up doing strange things purely for your own sanity, because those “serene” moments we love so much rarely happen.

    In response to Bullshit and Blasphemy: Yes, I do cringe when there’s a screaming baby in a nice restaurant ruining our dining experience. How often do you think parents get a “date night.” It’ not the screaming child that is a bother, it’s the fact that the parent is letting it happen.

    Posted by GrEEnEyedGoldiE | June 24, 2011, 2:01 am
  52. I am a mom of a 3yr old and an 8mo old & I would NOT take them to yoga EVER prob because I wouldnt be cought dead there LOL I just got out of the Marine Corps so I like a little more rigorous exercise =] But I’m with ya on “places children shouldnt be” The people that bitch about about kids in resturaunts UMM GET OVER YOURSELF but I will never forget seeing Passion Of The Christ in theaters and a little girl screaming “Mommy please turn off the TV” Yeaaahhhh she should NOT have been there! CONGRATS on making it to FP

    Posted by 4kidsunder4 | June 24, 2011, 2:01 am
  53. I loved your post! I have a 3 year old, who I do not enjoy taking out in pubic lately. It never fails, that my kid is the one throwing a fit, crawling under the table and/or chairs, being loud in general, or if its somwhere fun- literally kicking and screaming at the top of her lungs when its time to leave. I would never dream of subjecting my yoga class to her shananigans… I can see where that was the longest hour of your life! 🙂 May next time be better, and I’d totally complain to the powers that be!

    Posted by notsowickedstepmom | June 24, 2011, 1:53 am
    • My mom always told me the Terrible Twos and Threes (her expression) rivaled my argumentative teen years, so I (vicariously) feel your pain! Thanks for your comment, I hope you stop by again!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 1:57 am
  54. that first picture lives in one of my favorite stores in a suburb of philadelphia, the head nut. first time i saw it i almost died.

    Posted by CD | June 24, 2011, 1:29 am
  55. Gosh, I am a mum too and if someone brought their kids to my yoga class I think I’d get a bit of a shock. Yoga is the one place I am guaranteed some down time! Granted my baby is only 14 months old so who knows what sorts of annoying things I’ll do when she’s older, but for now, I feel for you!

    Also hope people aren’t making too many mean comments, some people feel like they can do anything when they are not face to face with you. Good on you for replying to so many comments with grace!

    Posted by motherwho | June 24, 2011, 1:22 am
  56. haha I LOVE this post. It came up on my dashboard. I 100% agree with you.

    Posted by Jessica Rose | June 24, 2011, 12:57 am
  57. I’m a parent of 2 boys (10 and 8), and there are many, many times when I want to be simply an adult and NOT a mom. I’m well aware of the impact of my children on those around me, and even on myself. I don’t want to make people uncomfortable, or for people to resent me and/or my children: life is hard enough! Yes, parenting NEEDS to be self-less much of the time: you CAN’T just do what you want to do. I am blessed with good boys, but even so, they are BOYS!!! It’s not fair on them and it’s not fair on the rest of the population to bring them to places that really are ADULT places: they can’t really be kids, and the adults become twitchy/bitchy versions of themselves….

    We all need respite from one another. So, fellow parents and prospective parents, remember this: the decision to have a child is actually the most selfish one you will make (bringing another human being into this world), but one which ultimately, if you are to be a good parent, is the most self-less. Think of others first: your children, and those that share the world with them. We’ll all be happier for it. Your yoga class (what should be an escape)/meal at a high-class restaurant (perhaps the most fancy meal in their life for someone else)/fill in the gap can wait. Childhood is very short, and those treasured moments of quiet sanity for parents in the midst of it, even briefer. Enjoy them, and share them. The moments of quiet sanity, that is; not the kids.

    Posted by Rachel Begley | June 24, 2011, 12:53 am
    • You have a very valid point: that you never know what’s going on with other people in the room. Perhaps they’re getting engaged and they’ll always remember it for the wrong reasons. Thanks for reading and leaving me feedback!

      Posted by Rachel | June 24, 2011, 1:49 am
  58. Hahahaha!! This post made my day because it’s SO TRUE.

    Parents need to be more mindful. I certainly intend to be when I become one.

    Posted by Mrs Wils | June 24, 2011, 12:29 am
  59. I get upset at the gym when people leave unattended children in front of the tv in the workout area when there is FREE child care right upstairs and usually these kids are not well behaved (although there are exceptions). Should skip the yoga center and do a DVD at home w/ your kids! Teach your kids home training and let them learn their lessons in other environments – not yoga (or the gym).

    Posted by mistransformation | June 24, 2011, 12:01 am
  60. I had a parent bring a kid to class recently. The worst part was that she was a teacher herself. And they were 20 minutes late.

    Posted by What Kate Ate | June 23, 2011, 11:27 pm
  61. There are a lot of generalisations being made in these comments. Mostly in the vein of parents being selfish and blind to the awful behaviour of their children. I’m sure somewhere in all of this, someone is calling people without children some awful things too.

    Yes, there are some parents like that, but it has not been my experience that they are in the majority. You’d have to be heavily medicated to be able to ignore badly behaving children. Nonetheless, what makes a childless person want to poke their eyes out with a fork may actually be pretty decent behaviour to a parent.

    I completely acknowledge that for people without children, kids can be very hard to tolerate. I remember watching my friend wince when my first daughter was crying, when to me the sound was so common, I didn’t blink. When you live next to the train tracks, the sound of the train whistle doesn’t startle you. So it is with children.

    It is difficult to balance life with children. Adults definitely need their own space, whether they are parents or not, and so do children. However, I think a lot of parents (rightfully) resist the pressure to completely separate adult life from life with children. That pressure is intense, by the way. There are not nearly as many child-friendly spaces as you may assume there are. Being a parents is sometimes an exercise in just how embarrassed/mortified/ashamed you can get and not completely lose your shit.

    It’s not that we expect those of you without children to somehow stand in as surrogate parents. But a lot of the behaviours being complained about can, in my opinion, be corrected with exposure. I’m sorry that you may be witness to some instances of that not working out so well, but not having children does not mean you get to be insulated from them.

    My children learned how to behave in restaurants and the dreaded grocery store, and in a variety of other situations, not because I coached them carefully before hand (though in a sense I suppose I did, explaining the expected norms of being in a museum for example), but because they actually went to those places and probably fucked up a few times. I have no problem leaving a cart full of groceries behind if one of my children has a meltdown in the candy aisle and I will make them walk rather than allow them to fight on the bus…

    but I took my 7 year old to yoga. I would have walked out in an instant if she were too loud, or disrespectful, or not participating. No, it wasn’t the most relaxing session I’d ever had, but I thought she could handle it. She did, by the way. She did the easy poses, and about 20 minutes in she just lay down on the yoga mat and took a nap. She thought it was really, really cool, and she has been into yoga ever since.

    I’m not saying I’m one of those ‘exceptions’ either. I think you tend to notice the exceptions, actually. The loud, obnoxious, unbelievably ill behaved children and their thoughtless parents. The many children who breeze through your lives unnoticed don’t rouse your ire and perhaps don’t stay in your memories. So if you find that you are getting riled up about the issue of parents and their intrusive children…please take the time to look around you and notice whether or not these children represent the majority of those that pass through your view.

    Posted by âpihtawikosisân | June 23, 2011, 11:05 pm
    • First, thank you for checking out my blog and taking the time to leave some feed back- I really appreciate it! After all these comments that have called me names and chastised me I kind of feel the need to defend myself. My intent wasn’t to rile people up or be deliberately controversial. I’m also fully, 100% aware that misbehaving children are definitely in the minority and not in any way representative of kids in general. I’m actually a nanny, so I do spend a considerable about of time with kids and, as with anything else, that it only takes a couple bad apples to ruin the bunch so to speak. I’m only sorry that people walked away from my post thinking that I’m just another childless 20-something with her head up her rear-end about kids. But really, I’m glad you stopped by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:15 pm
      • I thought your blog was hilarious! Ignore the humorless (guilty?) killjoys. And yes, some parents are lovely, perhaps most, but you were writing about a specific instance. And it was funny.

        Posted by jobhuntdiary | June 24, 2011, 12:18 am
  62. Hahah- the thought of my male offspring in a yoga class brings on GI distress. Kudos to the Yoga teacher for the failed attempts…..Snap her with a yoga towel next time she comes in.

    Posted by amblerangel | June 23, 2011, 10:47 pm
  63. Oh my gosh, what is UP with a lot of younger parents these days!? Your post hits the nail on the head, and it’s not just yoga, it’s fancy restaurants, ladies’ socials (not ladies’ and their daughters’ socials), extended learning classes, etc. I feel like I’m the minority when it comes to this subject, but your post and its respective comments definitely make me feel better, and in fact, I just think a lot of people bite their tongue (I do!) when it comes to this subject. Thanks for giving us an outlet 😉

    Posted by Linda | June 23, 2011, 10:37 pm
    • Yes, I discovered today that I kind of opened a can of worms and left the door open for all kinds of “outlet” feedback. Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:16 pm
  64. Here here! I already have to put up with the guy who during relaxation does ‘dirty old man’ breating very loudly, don’t want to have to think about annoying kids joining in 🙂

    I now have to face the possibility that they may pop up in my pole dancing classes from now on:

    Not a happy bunny! The last thing I want when I am sweating and holding myself upside down by my little toe is some brats spinning around thinking its playtime!

    Posted by originalribenababy | June 23, 2011, 10:26 pm
  65. I just wanted to commend you for doing such a good job responding to all of these comments in a calm and positive way. Making Freshly Pressed with a post that is ‘controversial’ (in quotes because it isn’t ACTUALLY controversial, but I can’t think of a milder word to use) must result in a full time job of reply to comments!

    Loved the post, loved the photo of the sign, and agree 100%!

    Posted by elbodans | June 23, 2011, 10:08 pm
    • Thank you very much for your lovely post, I assure you it hasn’t been easy. I wouldn’t be doing my job as a writer if I didn’t get to people on some level! Thanks again for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:20 pm
  66. I’m with you!! As the mother of a 13 month year old amazing little monster I’m dumb founded! Any real yoga aficionado knows that yoga class is a time for relaxation and restoration… A crazy little monster such as mine has no place in my yoga class!! It’s understandable that child care issues may conflict with yoga class, and that as a mom you NEED your yoga…but come on get a video if you can’t find a babysitter…maybe I’m harsh!

    Posted by inbetweenbalancegirl | June 23, 2011, 10:06 pm
  67. I love you for this. In NYC it’s exactly the same. Everyplace you go is infested with children. Libraries, cafes. restaurants, you name it, they are there. I had a particularly bad time two summers ago when I was still a student, studying at cafes for most of the week. I wanted to kill those parents who brought their loud children everywhere. I couldn’t get away.

    Posted by maximsmadness | June 23, 2011, 10:00 pm
    • JW’s wife here:
      I understand that if you don’t have children they can be super annoying. I was there once, for 30 years actually. But I have to ask, weren’t you once a kid? Did your parents leave you home every time they went somewhere? You couldn’t get away? How about your home? How do expect our future adult citizens to behave if they are kept out of society? This is how we teach them. This is how they learn.

      Posted by Jason Webster | June 24, 2011, 4:30 am
  68. This is hysterical and so true! I do have a 3-year-old daughter, but yoga is the last place I’d bring her (unless it was a mommy and me class). Places like doctor’s appointment, nice restaurants, yoga, exercise and massage are not kid friendly. Besides much of that is about relaxation. I’m far from relaxed when I have to chase around my child through a yoga studio!

    Posted by Leah | June 23, 2011, 9:45 pm
  69. I’m guilty of being the mom who takes baby everywhere. He comes with me to restaurants, to late-night lectures, to business meetings… I can’t afford childcare and I’d go nuts if I had to just stick close to home all the time. But then again, I have the luxury of having an extremely well-behaved son. Most of the time, he’ll just sleep or quietly play. When he does act up, I just excuse myself and step outside until he’s calmed down.

    So far, everyone’s been very supportive and distraction has been minimal. In fact, the only issue I had was when I took him to a work function and all my co-workers were cooing with him instead of focusing. Even that was easily solved by promising to stay after for anyone who wanted to play with the baby, but could we please get on with the meeting?

    I realize that non-parents have needs too, and I’m respectful of that. But I also have needs and, as a parent, I want my son exposed to “grown-up” situations. How is he going to learn to be one if he’s always kept in kid-friendly environments? That being said, I’d probably modify my behaviour a bit if my son were the terror you describe!

    Posted by MrPopularSentiment | June 23, 2011, 9:42 pm
    • Hi! I very much agree with your assessment of how kids learn behaviors, and as a young person (24) with no kids, I really appreciate your comment that we “have needs,” and overall, myself and most of my friends adore kids, we’re just not used to them yet. We’ll get there!! In the mean time, thank you for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:25 pm
  70. As a yoga teacher for both kids and grown-ups and as a mom, this post cracked me up. I go to yoga to AWAY from my children. I would be beyond annoyed to find some when I got there. Kids yoga is for kids. Find class for them that’s all theirs. Lets not forget the yoga teacher who allowed the kids to be there in the first place. I’d find a new studio.

    Posted by Darcey Ward | June 23, 2011, 9:37 pm
    • I love hearing a yoga teachers perspective, thank you so much for stopping by and writing! Apparently I inadvertently opened Pandora’s Box with this one!! Thanks again for your comment!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:26 pm
  71. I fully agree that taking children to an adult yoga class is tactless and rude. They should have more consideration for others.

    I can appreciate parents wanting to do yoga with their kids. I taught a kids yoga class and the kids loved every minute of it! I would suggest that these parents do a kids yoga class. They are usually cheaper and parents are usually encouraged to participate.

    However, real yoga is not only for fitness but is a mind body practice which teaches us to be fully in tune with ourselves no matter what is taking place around us and recognize the light in everything. Maybe try finding the beauty in the situation? No one said yoga has to be serious; enlightenment can be fun 🙂 Believe me, I am not at a point where I could practice well in that situation either so I do understand! But perhaps try being thankful that the parents are attempting to teach their children focus. And make it a challenge for yourself to practice with the distraction rather than taking negativity away from your class.

    Or what I would likely do, research other truly reasonable and comparable options that would be appropriate for a parent in your area and politely suggest it to them. I am certain the parent does know how rude it is and would rather not but needs a way to practice. I know it is not your job, but it would be the more enlightened solution.



    Posted by njr711 | June 23, 2011, 9:29 pm
  72. I totally agree with your post that there are some places that just aren’t meant for kids. I also agree with many of the other comments that having kids totally changes your life, and you have to make sacrifices because of that.

    However, I would like to add one thought to this discussion: Not every child you see in public that is making a scene is actually misbehaving. As a mother of a child with special needs, there are times when we are out in public that he starts yelling or crying because of something that I can’t control (ex. a noisy bus drives by). Just a thought I wanted to share, in hopes that maybe others won’t be quick to judge when a kid starts making a lot of noise.

    Posted by flowercityfoodie | June 23, 2011, 9:24 pm
  73. Hilarious post! Yes, what the heck??? This happens at my gym often when I take classes and I really respect the instructors who kindly let them know that it is the gym’s policy not to allow young children in the class. In fact they are not even allowed anywhere on the second level at all. LOL

    Posted by fatisnotanoption | June 23, 2011, 9:19 pm
  74. SO funny. I would flip a lid if any kiddos were hanging out and eating dunkaroos while I was trying to focus in Tree pose! I JUST wrote a blog about Yoga, too! I think you’d like it. If any kids bombarded into my yoga class while I was in the midst of my free week of yoga, I definitely would’ve vented in my blog. The worst thing that happened during my time though, was that I brought a gassy friend and could not remain composed.

    Posted by elizabethalisa | June 23, 2011, 9:18 pm
  75. You’ve had many replies and I will not read them all, but from my point of view, the reason the kids were in your yoga class is mostly because your teacher did not have the courage to tell the woman it was inappropriate to bring her kids to this class. She should never have been allowed in with her kids to begin with. When you post clear rules and enforce them, these things don’t happen. Doesn’t happen on a golf course, doesn’t happen in a spa, doesn’t happen at a gym.

    Truth is, good manners are not integrated by everyone, be it regarding kids or any other situation where your actions may impact on other (as they almost always do), and thus ruin a perfectly peaceful moment, like speaking too loudly, blasting your music for all your neighbors to hear, taking up more than your share of space, double parking and blocking everyone, etc.

    I had an experience of the sort the morning we drove to the top of Mount Haleakala, on my vacation to Maui last summer. Fully expecting a ” zen moment”, my friends and I drove there, like many tourists do, to watch the sun rise, above the clouds. Instead of this meditative moment, we were treated to a Japanese tour guide’s repeated rambling, as he (very loudly) instructed his Japanese tourists one after the other, to stand and pose for a picture with the rising sun in the background. One of the truly most annoying experiences of my life to this day. And they were all adults !

    Still, I agree with your premise: kids don’t belong in an adult yoga class.

    Have a great day and hope your next yoga class will be more fun.

    Posted by letempspasse | June 23, 2011, 9:16 pm
  76. It’s interesting to me to see the animosity between people who have children and people who do not. I could see more than one perspective on many of the things you wrote in your post. A 12-year-old should know how to behave . . . maybe an 8-year-old, depending on the kid . . . mom should talk to the teacher before bringing kids . . . maybe she did, but you didn’t know . . . yoga is good for everyone, including children . . . instructor should set the boundaries (no kids) OR frame the situation to be a learning experience for everyone (if you are distracted by noise in the room, draw your attention to the sound of your own breath) . . . but what’s more interesting to me is this animosity, coupled with many assumptions, mostly about parents, some by people who are parents themselves. Parents have “complexes.” They think their kids are special. They put their needs ahead of those of their kids. If you complain, they might turn their unbridled wrath at you. None of these assumptions was supported by anything in the post (and the assumptions were not in the post, but in the comments). It reminds me of the divide between women who have paying jobs outside the home vs women who are the primary caregiver for their children. I straddle both sides, and I don’t know what to make of this phenomenon.

    Posted by rachelci | June 23, 2011, 9:13 pm
    • I think I’m in the same boat as you. My intention wasn’t to start a war between parents and the childless, it was just supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, relatable and funny. Who knew?? Thanks for reading!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:42 pm
  77. The phrase “mindful of the needs of others” comes to mind. Parents have needs, children have needs…and those around them also have needs. Teaching children to be mindful of the needs of others is an important lesson. The appropriate time and place are crucial.

    Posted by acleansurface | June 23, 2011, 9:05 pm
  78. I loved your post. My kids are all teens and one is a mother herself. When my children where younger,I either went to the GYM to get AWAY from them for a minute OR I practiced Yoga Via DVD at home as to not put other people through this type of thing. I think any other parent should do the same thing or enroll them into a kid friendly yoga class.

    Posted by Christina | June 23, 2011, 8:55 pm
  79. I feel your pain. I went to the SPA to get a pedicure. I needed a pedicure. I need to get away. I am a teacher. I was on the brink of self destruction. Guess what? The lady in the chair next to me had her toddler and let him play in the water where her toes were soaking. She screamed at him the whole time for splashing. When I say in the water, I mean IN THE WATER! Like a kiddie pool! It was the most miserable hour in my life.

    Posted by Tee | June 23, 2011, 8:47 pm
  80. From a parent’s point of view, I’m staggered. As a stay at home Dad, I often had unexpected childcare aituations to cope with, but they were usually resolved by me NOT DOING the thing I wanted to because it wasn’t a suitable place to take the kids. I am mortified if my kids act up in a public place. If they absolutely have to be with me in some place that has no kid facilities present, then I am on my guard all the time that they behave, or I make excuses as soon as possible and leave.

    I may be prejudiced, but Yoga (as related here) is an exercise class, not a life support system. If your kids are unexpectedly around, you miss your class. If you want your kids to try yoga, you take them to a kid yoga class. I’m sure there are plenty. Parents like this give the rest of us a bad name. Thanks for expressing your frustration in a balanced fashion, though, not simply venting. Love the post.

    Posted by Damian Trasler | June 23, 2011, 8:27 pm
    • Thank you so much for your feedback! I wasn’t trying to vent or anything (although it has been mistaken that way), it was just an odd experience I used for a broader “what is acceptable” context. I’m sure I’ll be singing an entirely different tune once I have kids, but that’s a while off still. Glad you enjoyed it!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 8:29 pm
    • “I often had unexpected childcare aituations to cope with, but they were usually resolved by me NOT DOING the thing I wanted to because it wasn’t a suitable place to take the kids.”

      Yes. The best parents are the ones who understood and came to grips with the fact that their lives were going to be impacted by having kids, and that it wasn’t everyone else’s business to make sure that they could still act like they did before they had them. It never fails to amaze me how many people will think that they can have kids and that their lives will just go on exactly as they did before!

      We impacted my parents’ lives, I can tell that. That’s why as an adult now I spoil the living daylights out of my mom. She has it coming. She gave up a lot — and she didn’t whine over it. She had a spine and just dealt, and it was hard. So now she gets cruises and rubies.

      Posted by fireandair | June 23, 2011, 9:05 pm
  81. Great post==you are SOOOOO right.

    Posted by Thomas Stazyk | June 23, 2011, 8:09 pm
  82. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! A MILLION TIMES THANK YOU!!! I totally agree with every word of it and could have written it myself. I will be forwarding this to other people who I know have experienced this AS WELL AS some parents who are probably offenders.

    Posted by Magnet for Foolishness | June 23, 2011, 7:48 pm
  83. I am so thankful I haven’t had this experience…yet. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time, given today’s attitude of “make everyone as miserable as you by sharing your parenting pain.”

    Posted by Jennifer Barton | June 23, 2011, 7:40 pm
  84. Funny but true. I’m a mom of two (2 and 6yrs) and I hate it when I take my kids somewhere and get the inkling that I (they) should not be there. Usually this is during a fit from one or both of them. I don’t even like grocery shopping with them, but they will need to learn the difference between an apple and celery some how. I try to fit in shopping (especially for clothes) during a lunch hour at work, this avoids the little ones destroying the store, or entering the wrong stall of the dressing room. Being a parent is hard, just an FYI.

    Posted by midnitechef | June 23, 2011, 7:38 pm
    • I hope you didn’t think I was trying to discredit parents in any way, I’m constantly amazed and grateful to my parents for dealing with my brothers’ and my array of personality quirks and crazy schedules when we were little. I know when I have kids that I’ll probably be on the phone with my mom daily trying to learn how she did it. Moms and Dads are the best 🙂

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 8:22 pm
      • No, I didn’t see it as a discredit at all. What I meant was, when it’s your turn to have kids, you will know what it’s like to be trapped at home and the need to claim part of the pre-baby life back at some point. However, a Yoga class is not somewhere I would take my son, maybe my daughter when she is old enough to keep quiet.
        I would talk to the instructor, see if they can better control the policies of the class (like tell the mom that kids either need to keep quiet or don’t come at all).

        Posted by midnitechef | June 24, 2011, 5:38 pm
  85. Many years ago, I was in a small martial arts club, Two of the members, a couple, would bring their pre-schoolers to watch class and take absolutely no responsibility for them. The kids would scream, run around, etc and the parents thought it was everyone else’s responsibility to keep an eye on them and keep them off the mat. The school was in a skid row district, and one day a very shabby man, who appeared to be living on the street, came in to watch class. At one point I looked up, and the couple’s daughter was preparing to follow the man out of the building She was half-way out the door! Of course, my better nature took over, and I went and retrieved the child. The parents, typically, were totally unaware of what had happened. Afterwards, a number of people said, “Why did you go and get her?” Of course, they were kidding, but that was the general feeling! Soon after that, the parents were told they had to leave the children at home.

    Posted by fractralfoot | June 23, 2011, 7:31 pm
  86. Great Post! As a father of two little ones, I’ve learned that it can be difficult to go certain places with your kids…but sometimes you have no choice. I agree with you though, so my feeling is always that if you can’t find someone to watch your kids while you go to a place that they don’t belong…wait to go a different time. Congrats on FP by the way!

    Posted by sportsjim81 | June 23, 2011, 7:31 pm
  87. heh, the last photo, perfectly added, made a smile on my face 🙂

    your post is very easy to read, i like it. and yes… kids’re adorble, but… i don’t understand it too — if there is no sign “kid’s friendly”, why do parents do this? some kids need to be re-raised. some parents need to be re-raised.

    Posted by be awake | June 23, 2011, 7:23 pm
    • I’ve found that sometimes there doesn’t need to be a sign for it to be understoond that a place is either kid friendly or not. I don’t know, I could be way off here, but this was just my experience! Thanks for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 8:24 pm
  88. Agreed. If you can’t find a sitter…it wouldn’t kill you to skip yoga class to take your kid to the park. Maybe they would like to do something fun too. Cleary, yoga isn’t it.

    Posted by ournote2self | June 23, 2011, 7:16 pm
  89. Ah yes, places kids should not be… My husband and I love going to lunch an bellying up at the bar of our local brewpub. A guy brought in his two loud hyperactive pre-teen kids who immediately sat at the bar (illegal in MD), so bartender redirected them to seats just 3 feet behind the bar, while the guy bellied up and drank several consecutive whisky and cokes. At one point the guy left the bar to run out to his car, and on his way out pointed to his kids and loudly informed the bartender that he was leaving the kids at the bar. Like it was her responsibility to watch them. I felt terrible for the bartender, not only was she really annoyed by the whole situation, but he was drinking like a fish and she didn’t know whether to cut him off. Anyway, the point is, I feel your pain. I don’t dislike kids either, and there are so many good ones out there, but sometimes parents’ lack of sense or consideration is pretty outrageous. This is the best post I’ve read in a long time – highly deserving of freshly pressed honors. Congrats! 🙂

    Posted by SimpleP | June 23, 2011, 7:11 pm
    • Well thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it! My boyfriend and I frequent a pub called Gingerman here that has a great patio and great beers. We struck up a conversation with a young couple who had their two little boys with them, and couldn’t stop enthusing over how well behaved the boys were…they were completely engrossed in their toy trains and an empty planter full of dirt. Also, I really love your blog name.

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 7:15 pm
  90. Wow. Quite a few anti-children people here. We were all kids at one point. Those of us that turned out alright came from homes where we were nurtured, educated and treated like people rather than pets. You can’t just tie your child to the fire hydrant out front, and you shouldn’t be expected to give up your entire life because you went ahead and did a horrible thing like having a child. Maybe if you all chill out and invite the little people in rather than resenting their presence, you could all have a bit more fun as you find your inner balance and build a strong inner core. All of the negativity seems counter to the fundamental philosophies of Yoga…

    Posted by Robert Lee | June 23, 2011, 7:11 pm
    • Point taken, and I’m certainly not anti-kid by any means! I hope to have my own some day. I was just surprised to see little ones in what was understood to be an adult environment. I guess I just thought there’s a time and a place for “horeseplay” and yoga, for better or worse, just isn’t that place. But thanks for stopping by, I love feedback!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 7:18 pm
      • Hey, Thanks for the reply. It’s just that from the wording of you post, it seems that the kids were really trying. I’ve practiced Yoga for years now. I used to have a lot of back pain. At the beginning we all fall down. At the beginning we all feel a little silly and might chuckle a little bit, probably because of embarrassment. I started at the age of 28, and I got down-right angry when I couldn’t do something. We all think it’s going to be easy holding that position for a minute or 30 seconds. I know it isn’t. As a parent we all need to know what is appropriate and what isn’t. If your child is screaming for attention, of course you should exit the class, movie, restaurant, library, etc. You shouldn’t take away from others enjoyment, but at the same time we shouldn’t be sentenced to a life of solitary confinement with an infant. I believe in teaching my son. He’s probably going to do Yoga, because he knows his big strong Daddy does it, and he’ll be the coolest little zen master Yogi when the time comes for him to learn (He’s only 9 weeks old right now 🙂 )

        And for the record Rachel, your article was wonderfully written and congrats on being freshly pressed!

        Posted by Robert Lee | June 24, 2011, 1:44 pm
    • Thank you for standing up for us parents. You can’t give up your life bc you have kids. The two boys are old enough to behave, and they were actually TRYING to do yoga. Not just running around karate-chopping each other (like my boys would be doing!)

      Posted by in47714 | June 23, 2011, 7:21 pm
    • i agree. it seems to me that the ability not to permit the children to the class would have been the establishment itself. at no point did you mention that those were in the rules. it doesn’t seem to have been a mutual agreement between the establishment and its members as it was your own understanding of what the rules were. it might also help if, rather than writing a blog post about it, you actually talked to the management or instructor about this.

      don’t get me wrong–i understand how children can be a disturbance at times and i understand how you feel. i just don’t understand your inaction.

      Posted by eeburrah | June 23, 2011, 7:54 pm
    • Yes, but you should acknowledge that your life has changed and that you can no longer just breeze around doing what you used to do when you were a childless bachelor. Sorry, but that’s the way it is. You had those little people, why is it my job to “invite them in?”

      Posted by fireandair | June 23, 2011, 9:00 pm
      • It isn’t your “Job.” I have no idea what your “job” is. And there is no such thing as “breezing” around with a child. Of course parents realize that their lives have changed. We now include our children in our lives and everything that we do. We teach them and mold them into the people they will become. “Childless Bachelor?” How about “very happily married man” and now “Very happily married father.” That is “The way it is.”

        Posted by Robert Lee | June 24, 2011, 3:14 pm
    • It is not ‘anti children’ to agree that children simply do not belong in certain settings. Your rights as a parent end right where other people’s rights as consumers (and human beings) begin.

      Additionally, I don’t feel as though the original post was negative in any way. It was funny, well written, and right on.

      Posted by elbodans | June 23, 2011, 10:02 pm
      • “Your rights as a parent end right where other people’s rights as consumers (and human beings) begin.”

        What?!?! This concept, if you hold it to be true, can be applied to many other situations. You’re saying that if I pay money for a service, entry to a consumer location, a meal, etc. then nothing should be allowed to bother me? You are looking for some sort of utopia that simply does not exist. If you find it please let me know where it is. I’d love to live there with my son who will be a little Yoga master. 🙂

        I didn’t find the post to be negative at all. I found the 100+ comments (at that point) to be anti-children. I thought Rachel wrote a wonderful, but admittedly one sided (she stated she doesn’t have kids) article. She is a terrific writer. That is why we all dropped what we were doing to read it.

        Posted by Robert Lee | June 24, 2011, 1:52 pm
    • AMEN =]

      Posted by 4kidsunder4 | June 24, 2011, 1:36 am
  91. Ah yes, places kids should not be… My husband and I love going to lunch an bellying up at the bar of our local brewpub. A guy brought in his two loud hyperactive pre-teen kids who immediately sat at the bar (illegal in MD), so bartender redirected them to seats just 3 feet behind the bar, while the guy bellied up and drank several consecutive whisky and cokes. At one point the guy left the bar to run out to his car, and on his way out pointed to his kids and loudly informed the bartender that he was leaving the kids at the bar. Like it was her responsibility to watch them. I felt terrible for the bartender, not only was she really annoyed by the whole situation, but he was drinking like a fish and she didn’t know whether to cut him off. Anyway, the point is, I feel your pain. I don’t dislike kids either, and there are so many good ones out there, but sometimes parents’ lack of sense or consideration is pretty outrageous. This is the best post I’ve read in a long time – very deserving of freshly pressed honors 🙂

    Posted by SimpleP | June 23, 2011, 7:08 pm
  92. I have totally been there! Like you, I don’t have kids nor am I married. I would like to think that if I did have little ones hanging around that I would know the ettiquite of when it is & is not appropriate to have the kiddos around.
    Granted, not a parent, but it seems to me that there is a vicious cycle: The parents who bring their kids to these places are clearly putting their own needs ahead of their children’s. I’d bet that this example of selfishness doesn’t just apply to yoga classes but is the general parenting style. As such, the kiddos aren’t necessarily well-behaved. Which means, the kids that you will be seeing in the inappropriate settings are probably going to be the misbehaved ones. Sad but true.

    Posted by mollie | June 23, 2011, 7:07 pm
    • Really? Putting their own needs in front of their children’s needs. Hmmmm….showing kids that exercise is a good thing versus sitting in front of the TV….Teaching children to try new things…..seems like good parenting to me. The problem is that the instructor catered too much to the kids, not the mom.

      Posted by in47714 | June 23, 2011, 7:23 pm
      • Much agreed. Yoga is a terrific way to teach children focus. And while I agree that bringing children to an adult class is tactless, I am happy to see a parent taking their kids to fully participate in a healthful activity that might just teach them better behavior and focus.
        I ran a kids camp and had a totally neglected, wandering and loud 5 year old in my group who was held back from entering kindergarten because of his behavior. I did 30 minutes of yoga with him each morning for a month and his behavior and focus improved significantly. Apparently it did at home too. His mom found him quietly doing yoga before bed rather than tearing up the house and harassing her and sent me a thank you letter.

        Posted by njr711 | June 23, 2011, 9:43 pm
  93. Yoga class sounds like a terrible place to bring 8-12 year old boys, or just about any young child for that matter. It must have been terribly boring for them, not to say that excuses everything they did. Not sure why their mother didn’t try to think of something else to keep them occupied (listening to music through headphones, handheld games, even homework).

    Posted by My Camera, My Friend | June 23, 2011, 6:58 pm
  94. Great post! I went out for a few drinks last weekend on a brilliantly sunny Sunday evening on the water. We sat outside of course. And as I look over, 3 children are throwing popcorn at each other and making miserable mess on the floor and table. Of course I whispered to my friends “what the hell are their parents thinking” and just as we looked over again, they pour cups full of water with popcorn and, wait for it, dump it all over the floor. Meanwhile, their parents continue to chat and laugh and a moment later a woman tells the server that her children need more water WITHOUT telling her children to shut the hell up and act decent. Outrageous!! Hopefully some parents take a good hard look at your post and wake up a little!!

    Posted by breezyautumn | June 23, 2011, 6:55 pm
  95. Haha, love the sign!

    Posted by ShareItFitness | June 23, 2011, 6:55 pm
  96. so i’m currently taking these workout classes called Kosama. And in one of my classes, there’s a woman that always brings her 2 sons…who are probably 6 and 8. and terribly behaved. she does the class and kinda leaves the girl at the front desk to tend to them. not cool in my opinion. not unless she’s paying extra.

    Posted by Eva McCane | June 23, 2011, 6:37 pm
    • I have three kids and am currently in love with Zumba. 🙂 I’m blessed with a sitter, though, who works on the cheap. There’s a woman in my class who insists on bringing her smallish little girl who will, no joke, stand behind/in front of the instructor and try her best to pull her pants down. This continues, every class, for at least ten minutes, at which point the instructor has to stop the music (workout), scold the child and mother, and then try to regain the tempo of the dance. Its infuriating, especially since I went to a lot of trouble to secure child care. What if everyone in the world let their children run rampant? Next, they’ll bring them along to their A&P classes for cadaver dissection.

      Posted by yerttle | June 23, 2011, 10:16 pm
  97. Day care emergency. Been there (well, OK, not yoga). Done that. Sorry.

    Posted by Ha_Qohelet | June 23, 2011, 6:36 pm
  98. OMG! Why is there an un-spoken rule to treat these kids like precious little diamonds??? If the kid was falling all over me, I would want to shove the kid over and yell at it to shut up.

    Oops, sorry, is that offensive? Because I don’t care. These kids get special treatment and then they grow up thinking they can shove people around because they were never told, “no”.

    It’s just so annoying how parents are afraid of their kids, they don’t want them yelling, so they let to kids do whatever. Those kids should not have been in that class, and if I were you, I would never take that class again or talk with the instructor and say what you’re thinking. It’s ridiculous.

    Posted by elenamusic | June 23, 2011, 6:24 pm
    • LOVE!
      I adore children and hope to have one or two of my own someday…But I plan to discipline them. Nothing is worse than being around a child that’s never heard the word “No”.

      Of course, any time I mention something like this I’m immediately told I should wait ’til I have kids because I obviously don’t know what I’m talking about. Seriously, I don’t need to squeeze out my own little mini-me to see that people don’t parent their kids.

      Posted by ashleemae | June 23, 2011, 8:23 pm
    • I agree with you, dear, but children are not “it”s. They are “he’s”, “she’s”, or “little monster spawn”. But never “it”.

      Posted by yerttle | June 23, 2011, 10:18 pm
  99. This is so true. If people can bring their kids everywhere, why can’t I bring my 15-pound dog? He’s much cuter, cleaner and better behaved than most children.

    Posted by expressgirl | June 23, 2011, 6:20 pm
  100. haha i always questions people for why they bring their most annoying child with them everywhere!!??? dont they get annoyed too???lol

    Posted by eva626 | June 23, 2011, 6:20 pm
  101. I’m sure this would have completely annoyed me, and I do believe the studio is responsible for having rules/guidelines about when/if kids can participate. That said, I can’t help but think that many a yogi might say that the kids were little teachers for all present and yet one more layer of “practice” in addition to the asanas. So, maybe next time something similar happens breathe through it, notice what comes up for you and then be sure to communicate your needs when all is said and done.

    Fun post!

    Posted by Monique Belair-Kovalenko | June 23, 2011, 6:04 pm
  102. Very amusing read. It seems like people with children feel like the whole world should bend their back in order to please and convenience them. The worst is when I see people bring their offsprings to innapropriate restaraunts. I once had a mother give me dirty looks the whole time I was dinning with my friends because what we were talking about wasnt ‘kid friendly’. That said we weren’t being loud they were just sitting next to us. Their are plenty of family friendly places around that wasn’t one of them.

    Posted by sugarbabyconfidential | June 23, 2011, 5:58 pm
    • Exactly, if you’re in a public place, you can talk about public things. The mother should think twice about trotting their kids to every restaurant expecting the world to kneel down for her kids.

      Posted by elenamusic | June 23, 2011, 6:26 pm
  103. Totally agree! I work in an office where kids are always around. I had a parent put two kids at my desk. I offered some paper and my highlighters to color. Both kids proceeded to stick the highlighters entirely in their mouths instead of drawing with them. I asked them to stop that and the dad told me that his children were just expressing themselves. I then asked them to throw my highlighters away when they were done expressing themselves…

    Posted by Kim from Wonderings of a twenty-something | June 23, 2011, 5:57 pm
  104. Great Post & Congrats on being FP! I belong to a gym and members have brought their children into classes, like Aerobics, Advanced Pilates, Cycling. If the child is not 13 or older maybe a better place for them would be in the Child Watch area. I totally get making your children portable but there are just some places children just do not belong.

    Posted by cravesadventure | June 23, 2011, 5:52 pm
  105. Oh gosh..I guess we were all kids once……I remember going with my mom to her exercise class. I behaved.

    I think it’s all about how behavior is instilled, I am a mom and I understand the multitude of multiple personalities presented by children, but it is up to the parent to keep them in check and educate them. I injected manners into my young ones straight away.

    You are what you give birth to…….

    spread the humor:charlywalker.wordpress.com

    Posted by charlywalker | June 23, 2011, 5:49 pm
  106. I have actually seen extremely well-behaved kids in yoga classes and I have taught yoga myself on and off for quite a few years… The reason why your experience was so uncomfortable is mostly because of the teacher, not because of the little brats. A good teacher can make everyone welcome and comfortable in a yoga class setting. http://www.yogapulse.com

    Posted by Healthy Mama | June 23, 2011, 5:48 pm
    • I totally agree. It really sounded like a failure on the part of the environment. A good teacher should have taken advantage of the opportunity to teach two young men to tap into their inner core and find some peace and focus.

      Posted by Robert Lee | June 23, 2011, 7:04 pm
  107. Hahaha as much as I love kids, there are definitely boundaries as to where they are welcome. Interrupting my yoga class? Not welcome.

    Posted by The Food and Love Diaries | June 23, 2011, 5:46 pm
  108. Last night at work someone had his kid in his office, which is about 15′ away from where I sit (I work the night shift). The kid was popping plastic bubble wrap — in the doorway of his father’s office. When I walked in he was bouncing a rubber ball up and down the hallway, but stopped to have fun with the bubble wrap. I finally (after 30 mins.) got up and asked the kid to stop making that noise. So then he went into the office and I heard him tell his father someone had asked him to stop. ” Who?” Dad asked. “A lady” the boy replied. The door closed. We could still hear the bubble wrap being popped, but it wasn’t as loud.

    The door opened sometime later and I heard Dad say they were leaving, and he was going to go to the bathroom and come back. As he was walking down the hall, leaving the kid in the office, I heard Dad say, “Why don’t you pop some of that bubble wrap while I’m gone?”.

    True story, just happened last night.

    Posted by Julee Celeste | June 23, 2011, 5:28 pm
    • I swear some parents figure that if their lives are sheer noisy, chaotic hell from having had a kid, they are at least going to spread the misery. You really can tell people who wanted to have kids versus people who regret it.

      Posted by fireandair | June 23, 2011, 5:57 pm
  109. And congratulations on making Freshly pressed 🙂

    Posted by catherine333 | June 23, 2011, 5:26 pm
  110. I loved this post! Thanks for sharing!

    Posted by catherine333 | June 23, 2011, 5:25 pm
  111. Age doesn’t matter really, if you are unable to follow this particular studio’s and classes’ etiquette (within reason, allowing for mistakes and unawareness) then you shouldn’t be there.

    I am not sure if she just showed up there with her kids without calling ahead to find out if it was OK, and expected to have them be able to join the class, but if I was a teacher or studio owner developing a policy on this I would probably say “Kids and teens under 14 do better with a different energy level to the class and need a different type of yoga instruction than older teens and adults.”

    It’s not “get your kid out of here, it’s rude”, it’s acknowledging the needs of both the kids and the adult participants in the class.

    Posted by careercreatrix | June 23, 2011, 5:21 pm
    • No, no not at all I completely agree. I’ve just a) never encountered a child in class before, and b) because I guess I was just under the impression that the studio gave off a “grown up” vibe. Now I know! Thanks for stopping by!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 5:50 pm
  112. I think some people do it because they can’t get sitters; you can’t park a kid like you can a car.

    But at the same time … being a parent means that you can’t go around acting like you did when you didn’t have any kids. Sorry, but it’s true. You can’t just pick up and do whatever appeals anymore. They impact your life, and you aren’t going to be able to go all the wonderful, fun places you used to before you were 24/7 responsible for the welfare of another unfinished and vulnerable human being. “I should be able to do what I want! I shouldn’t have to miss out just because I’m a mother!”

    Well … tough. You do. Anyone who thought they could have a kid with no impact on their lives whatsoever was out of their mind at the time of conception. Having a kid DOES impact your life. You WILL have to do without many things you used to take for granted. Clothing without koolaid stains is one of them. Yoga or meditation whenever you want is another. Countries where these things were created understand this — you don’t hear screaming kids running around a Buddhist monastery, do you? Or running among the legs of old people in China doing tai chi. Get a damn sitter next time.

    I just do not fathom parents who act like spoiled rotten toddlers themselves and throw tantrums when they finally realize that having a kid has had a massive impact of inconvenience on their lives. No shit. You needed to HAVE one to figure that out?

    Posted by fireandair | June 23, 2011, 5:21 pm
  113. Found your popst on the front page and just want to say amen and I agree. Apparently it was “Bring Your Whiny Toddler to Zumba” Day last week and no one gave me the memo. I know parents have to work out too, but isn’t that why most gyms have free childcare? Not sure I would want my kids rolling around on sweaty, grimy gym floors or crushing their tiny fingers in the weight machines. And heaven forbid I trip over someone’s child because she’s sitting in the middle of the floor in Zumba class…thankfully the instructor did finally ask the parent to leave and come back another day.

    Posted by K.A. Levingston | June 23, 2011, 5:12 pm
  114. Ew! I’m married but not ready for kids yet. I teach kindergarten so I get my fill during the day, you know? I completely agree that some places aren’t ment for kids. Like Target, the mall, the grocery store, parking lots….

    Posted by halfwayto50 | June 23, 2011, 5:11 pm
  115. LOL Love it! And what’s humorous about that is my blog is all about families. Truth be told, I would also love more adults-only establishments. When I have the rare opportunity to go out minus my cherubs, I sort of don’t want to deal with other parents’. My advice to you is to ask your yoga studio begin a family class. Ours does and it’s fab. 😉

    Posted by firstdayofspring | June 23, 2011, 5:07 pm
  116. Thank God for the Freshly Pressed page. I thought I was the only one in any establishment with an offending minor who had the bulging eye if-I-had-jedi-powers-right-now-I’d-strangle-you-like-an-imperial-officer look! UGH! I guess I just wish that most of the employees would be more proactive about protecting their other patrons against this kind of annoyance. Perhaps, in the future, if enough yoga participants take the concerns to management the problem will be resolved.
    Just to make it about me for a moment, I have been in a restaurant where a 3-year-old was screaming at the top of his lungs while standing in his chair and the mother completely ignored him and management did absolutely nothing. Talk about wanting to staple your fallopian tubes shut with an industrial sized gun! I couldn’t imagine being in the one place where you go to center yourself and calm yourself while getting a nice focused workout only to be perpetually interrupted by teacup humans. Much like everything else, there is a time and place for everything and Yoga is not the time nor the place for them.
    Well, now at least you know that next time you just walk straight to the managers office instead of into the class.

    Posted by Christine | June 23, 2011, 5:06 pm
  117. Full disclosure: I have a 7 year old daughter. I bring her with me to restaurants, concerts, and (gasp) sometimes parties, unless the host specifies that kids aren’t welcome. I don’t consider myself to be an arrogant parent, and I don’t think my little darling should be allowed into every establishment on the planet.

    Certainly there are places where kids aren’t welcome, or where it is illegal to bring them. Bars, for example. Adult bookstores. NC-17 films. These types of places expressly do not allow children, for legal reasons. There are also those places where it is the preference of the proprietor or host to not allow children. For example, some gyms and pools have this type of preference and they enforce it as a rule. Likewise, some weddings are parties specify on the invitation that children aren’t welcome. And while I personally think its crazy to not invite kids to a wedding, as they always seem to have the most fun; in cases of an expressed rule or preference, parents obviously need to leave the kids with a sitter. If they can’t find/afford/persuade a sitter, they need to sit out of the event.

    However, in other cases, why wouldn’t kids be allowed or welcome? If your yoga studio didn’t want kids there, I’d say its the responsibility of the studio proprietor to turn away the woman who enrolled herself and her kids. If the proprietor is happy to allow them entry and assist the kids, that should be the end of it. If other participants aren’t getting what they need out of a yoga class because there are kids in the room, I’d say those participants should look for a studio that has a no kids policy.

    Granted, in situations where quiet, concentration, or attention is required and children begin to misbehave, it is the responsibility of the parent to swiftly remove their kid from the room. It sounds like that is where the mom in your yoga class failed. But it also sounds like you were put off by the mere presence of kids, before you even signed into the class. Perhaps, when you saw that the mom and her “offending offspring” were signing in ahead of you, and you were already put off, you should have reconsidered your decision to attend that particular class. Just a thought.

    Posted by PGMG | June 23, 2011, 5:05 pm
    • I guess having never experienced this before I thought the studio kind of gave off a “grown up” vibe, but there’s a first time for everything! Thanks for stopping by, and I’m sure I’ll be eating my words whenever I do have kids!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 5:59 pm
      • If I had a nickel for every word I’ve eaten since my daughter was born… 😉

        One more thought… I should also say that my daughter has been going to weekly yoga classes – kid classes, mind you – for the last year. So I’m guessing that by the time she’s 12, she might be ready to try a real yoga class with me. Or maybe she won’t. Maybe the mom in your class thought her kids were a little more ready for the grown up class then they turned out to be and she learned a lesson too. If there is anything I’ve learned about being a parent its that it is in no way an exact science. There is a lot of trial and error and a lot of judgement calls… I remember the first time I took my daughter to see a movie, she was 3 years old and there was a screening of Wizard of Oz (one of her favorites) at this beautiful old restored theatre. We thought it was a no brainer. But despite her love for munchkinland, she was WAY more interested in cruising around the lobby looking at things than she was in the movie. We spent about two-thirds of the movie checking out the restored lobby and learned a lesson about the attention span of a 3 year old too.

        Posted by PGMG | June 23, 2011, 6:34 pm
        • Very true, and per the old cliche, kids will be kids. Maybe I’ll just start deducting a dime from myself everytime I make an assumption and see how much I have when my (as yet non-existent) kids are 12 or 13.

          Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 6:47 pm
  118. Growing up I would regularly attend my mother’s ashtanga yoga classes thinking I was such a spiritual, flexible little kid. Perhaps I was quite full of myself being the instructors daughter. Nowadays I’d probably be annoyed by the presence of small children in ANY exercise/meditation class!

    Posted by Heather C.J. Atkins | June 23, 2011, 5:05 pm
    • Some kids are better at “still” than others, I’ve just found that little boys tend to be overflowing with energy and that “still” isn’t in their vocabulary!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 5:56 pm
  119. The self-entitlement of some people just aggravates me to no end. It’s like everyone has forgotten what common courtesy is! By the way, great post. I don’t know how you managed to restrain yourself from making a snippy comment. 🙂

    Posted by louisianefille | June 23, 2011, 5:03 pm
    • A lot of will power and the unbridled wrath of a threatened mother was all it took for me to keep my mouth shut. You’d be surprised how scary that possibility is.

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 5:06 pm
    • Yes, the self-entitlement of some people! Especially those who can not get over another human’s presence and must let it bother them. If the kids returned for a second class, then you have something postworthy.

      Really enjoyed your writing, I did not come to disagree until thinking it over for a minute. I am impossibly perturbed by distractions like this all the time, but I restate the point that just one occurance-should be gotten over.

      Posted by ifsanders | June 23, 2011, 5:15 pm
      • I completely agree, and it was for that reason that I didn’t mention it to the instructor because in the grand scheme of things it really didn’t matter. I was just a little surprised to see kids in a traditionally non-kid setting and thought it might make for interesting blog anecdote! I’m glad that you enjoyed my writing, thanks for stopping by!

        Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 5:54 pm
  120. I’m totally with you about being irritated. But I have NO patience with mothers like that. They should know better than bringing their kids into adult situations like that. In that situation I would probably stop and ask the mother to take the kids out of the class. Especially in a yoga class. That mother is no better than her kids. She should just stay home.

    Posted by Belle | June 23, 2011, 4:56 pm
  121. Well said!

    Posted by Queen Linda | June 23, 2011, 4:51 pm
  122. Amen, sista! I still want to open an adults-only movie theater/restaurant.

    Posted by Katie | June 23, 2011, 4:50 pm
  123. Next time just loud-whisper youre resentment to a nearby (or not so nearby) fellow yogi, maybe you can shame her into not coming back?

    Is yoga even good for children??

    Posted by nancyfrancis | June 23, 2011, 4:45 pm
    • You know, I really did think about it but for once in my life kept my mouth shut. But now they will live in infamy in the blogosphere, so who get’s the last laugh now, boys?

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 4:49 pm
    • Anything that is good for adults is good for children. They aren’t a different species. They have baby yoga classes that you can take when the baby is only a few months old. I think it more to teach the parents how to teach their children yoga, but they exist. I planned on signing up my three year old for an age appropriate class, but since she is autistic I’m afraid that is no longer an option.

      Posted by jelzmar | June 23, 2011, 8:09 pm
      • I have worked with many parents of autistic children (mostly with diet). And I agree that teaching your young one may prove extremely challenging for you. I wouldn’t count it out though. It may be just the ritual to calm your young one out of a bad mood, help them re-center or find some understandable way to communicate their emotions. Perhaps begin at home so as not to receive the wrath of others or make your child uncomfortable while you research a friendly place to practice.
        Or if your child receives any kind of social or occupational therapy, maybe the therapist can help you start a yoga group for children with similar issues.



        Posted by njr711 | June 23, 2011, 9:58 pm
  124. Congrats on being FP! And for such an excellent post. What I kept thinking as I read this was, wow, that’s … unacceptably risky. Standing yoga poses are dangerous. I have to concentrate with all my might to hold some of those positions without doing a face plant. Especially the twisty ones. The distraction of wriggly beings and loud whispers probably would’ve driven me to an un-yogi-like outburst. And a not at all loud-whispery one, at that.

    Posted by SoupAddict | June 23, 2011, 4:36 pm
    • The thought of a violent verbal outburst crossed my mind at least 34 times until I realized that I would probably be the one scorned, not the wobbling munchkins.

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 4:45 pm
  125. Hilarious and I agree! I’m a struggling single mother and have no time for exercise and so I’m just fat right now. Although when I do find the time, I won’t be taking her to some class with me, we will probably be biking the neighborhood. I don’t think you’ll mind that. 😉

    Posted by Kathryn Watkins | June 23, 2011, 4:31 pm
  126. thats adorable.. But then pics of little kids bring out the parent even in those of us who sadly don’t have any.. Funnily enough it all sounds like a grwat time.

    Posted by gaycarboys | June 23, 2011, 4:30 pm
  127. LMAO thank God I’m not one of these parents! My husband and I have left her with friends or family while we’ve attended adult only events: birthdays, dinners, funerals, etc. And if arrangements can’t be made, we either don’t go or one of us stays home with her.

    I don’t feel the need to drag my three-year-old everywhere. Hell, sometimes I have a complex thinking about taking her to the store with me!

    Posted by bdmtsmith | June 23, 2011, 4:23 pm
  128. I agree. I have two kids and I can barely do yoga at home in a locked room for a few minutes with the distractions ot them and my husband knocking on the door. Yoga is something you need to concentrate so you can peacefully breathe from one pose to the next.

    Posted by She's a Maineiac | June 23, 2011, 4:06 pm
  129. That was a good post. I was just at the gym this morning on the treadmill and a father and son got on the treadmills in front of me. I think the son was about 10 years old. You could tell he didn’t want to be there. He would start the machine then stop it, he got off to tie his shoe laces. And his dad at first pushed all the buttons to get the kid started then put his ear buds in and ignored him. But that lasted about 2 minutes before the dad took off the buds and talked to the son. They were on for maybe 15 minutes before they walked off to play basketball. The kid looked so happy to be off the treadmill.

    I like kids but I’m with you they don’t have to go everywhere their parents go. I think kids just like adults need some down time away from the parents to do kid things.

    Posted by dtayl123 | June 23, 2011, 4:01 pm
    • A yoga floor is one thing but You may want to reconsider your gym, seriously! Most gyms with heavy or moving equipment do NOT allow children. Its a matter of liability. I worked for a company that manages gyms internationally and we never ever allowed kids in the gym equipment room. Those machines are very, very dangerous. And while I love kids yoga, workout machines are too intense for children and can cause serious injury. You should report that parent to management immediately just as you would if you saw a parent beating their child violently. And if they aren’t concerned, you should switch to a gym with more concern for your safety.

      Posted by njr711 | June 23, 2011, 10:04 pm
  130. Well, I can’t ever understand bringing kids to yoga class. Inner peace, balance, etc.. not for kids. Not saying kids aren’t capable of the mindset required to take on yoga, but I am saying most kids aren’t.

    This just sounds like a spoiled mommy story. The kids were just being kids. Can’t blame them for being annoying. You can blame the mother for not being able to miss one yoga session because she couldn’t find a babysitter. Babysitters are expensive, and hard to come by if you’re dealing with schedules. And I’m sure daycare was just too gross for her angels.

    I get mildly irritated when teachers tell their class they don’t care what’s going on in their students’ lives and they can’t bring their kids to class. I understand what a distraction children would be, but I’m sure they understand that most “kids” in college have children of their own. If you have a kid, you know how hard it is to go to school and be a parent. And sometimes it boils down to choosing your kid over getting your education. That’s when I get upset that people can’t bring their kids with them.

    As far as mostly everything else… I’m that person who looks at someone walking with their kid and wondering “really? You really think this is a good place to bring your kid?” And then I am thankful, so thankful, that I do not have children of my own. I don’t have to sacrifice my wants for their well being. But you better believe that when I do settle down and have babies, my wants will go by the wayside, and they will always **always** be a priority. Even if I have to miss my yoga workout.

    Posted by lillacat3 | June 23, 2011, 3:58 pm
  131. Made me laugh:D Best of luck dealing with others’ kids; and thanks for sharing this humorous insight!

    Visit my writing blog at http://shelleddreams.wordpress.com/

    Posted by GD | June 23, 2011, 3:57 pm
  132. This is so true and so funny to read!!!! Thank you for writing this. I’m a mother of twins and yoga is where I go for reprieve! I don’t want to see more kids there. LOL!!!

    Posted by Rena | June 23, 2011, 3:57 pm
  133. Hilarious! I don’t mind when kids are in “adult” places as long as they are quiet, but that usually doesn’t happen.

    Posted by beerlaughlove | June 23, 2011, 3:53 pm
  134. There are just some places kids shouldn’t be. I’m with you. It’s not right to put your needs above others. Can’t find a sitter and it’s not an emergency? Stay home.

    Posted by Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide | June 23, 2011, 3:49 pm
  135. LOL the funny thing is I wouldn’t bring my children OR the hubby to my yoga class. I’m all for doing things together…but yoga is MOMMY TIME. The hubby would honestly be just as distracting as my children 🙂

    Posted by anjobanjo22 | June 23, 2011, 3:49 pm
  136. Hahahahahahahahaa!!!! I quit a yoga studio for a while because, not only did a woman bring her THREE children all under the age of eight to the yoga class (and they participated), but I know for a fact she wasn’t paying full price for them. I confronted the instructor and she said, “Well, she’s a paying customer too, so I’m not sure what we can do.” You can tell her to leave her rugrats at home! That class time ended up being cancelled, likely because the rest of the students felt the way I did and quit showing up…so they forfeited all of the other customers because of that one “paying customer” that didn’t even pay full price!

    Yes, most parents seem to have lost sight of the fact that there are some places kids don’t belong. Worse than that, they’ve gotten uppity about it. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dragon*Con, but it’s a big convention full of both awesome ppl and people who only shower annually. It’s also generally not a place for children after dark. One couple had a baby with them and a toddler. They let the baby and toddler both roll all over the uncovered floor. I made a comment about it and a woman, who is now a grandma, was like, “Oh, what, so people with children should just miss out on life and not have their kids be involved with their hobbies for YOUR comfort?!”

    “Yeah,” I replied.

    “Oh, I don’t think so..that’s the most self centered thing I’ve ever heard!”


    My best friend insisted on bringing her one and a half year old to the RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL with us….in Georgia, in the steaming hot spring, with nothing but dirt roads and rocky paths to push the stroller in. Worse, her husband WOULD HAVE babysat, but according to her, “Well, it’s not fair because he’s already watched her three nights this week.”


    Posted by ktrantingredhead | June 23, 2011, 3:49 pm
    • Haha I had a similar situation at a bar of all places…I was with a group of friends and we were bantering and drinking and apparently our conversation wasnt PG enough for their 3 year old who was with them at the table next to us. Awkward much?

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 3:58 pm
  137. Whistpered instructions loudly eh? Wish they would be more considerate.

    Posted by 7des7iny | June 23, 2011, 3:43 pm
  138. Haha, I’m a mom and I totally agree…I refuse to be one of those moms who thinks my kids are adults, I don’t think it’s fair to either of us! I took my baby to the gym as long as he could stay strapped into his carseat and sleep the whole time, and I STILL felt silly and distracting! Hopefully it doesn’t become a regular occurrence at yoga…

    Posted by hiddenponies | June 23, 2011, 3:23 pm
  139. I am a mom, so I guess I have to be indignant that you do not want my kid – who is trying out asanas on not so regular basis but still does 🙂

    Well, I will just go ahead and surprise you. I totally agree with you! There are kids’ yoga classes and this is where they belong!!! So goes for parties where hosts explicitly tell not to bring the kids or expensive concerts, plays and operas. Of course, sometimes it is parents who behave worse than the kids – that is another story (blog post :-)).

    Oh, I sooo agree with you!

    Posted by fornormalstepfathers | June 23, 2011, 3:16 pm
    • Haha I was kind of hoping I wouldn’t offend any parents (I’m sure I have), but I truly do like kids, just not in yoga 🙂 I’m glad to hear from parents who agree though!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 3:19 pm
  140. well… at least you got the extra workout in yoga class holding those poses 🙂

    Posted by The Simple Life of a Country Man's Wife | June 23, 2011, 3:13 pm
  141. Oh, man. I love my little boys, but I love taking yoga without them.

    Posted by katiefoutz | June 23, 2011, 3:11 pm
  142. I have a 15 month old and I would not in any way be tempted to bring him to yoga. Do you want to know why? Because I would go to yoga to RELAX. Children are not relaxing. Not even 8 and 12 year olds. This is why gyms have daycares.

    It never ceases to amaze me what people think is appropriate to drag their kids to. The evening showing of Thor that I paid $45 for a babysitter so that I could go see with my husband? Yep. I’m not bitter, though, no. It only happened like two months ago and I still think of it.

    Posted by Mrs.X | June 23, 2011, 3:10 pm
  143. Excellent post!! For myself I also don’t have any kids and don’t want any. But I do like kids who are well behaved and have respect for their parents. I actually work in a diamond standard gym doing hospitality work (or in other words the “cleaning and maintenance lady”), and for the most part the kids are where their supposed to be which is either with a summer camp councelor, pool, or rock climbing area with supervision. But since school is out I’ve seen so many other young aged kids come into the gym without their parents and run amuk. Doing cleaning work is one thing but I refuse to play babysitter as well.

    Posted by gothichydran126 | June 23, 2011, 3:05 pm
  144. That IS odd! I know they offer classes for parents and kids precisely b/c of this reason!

    I am actually the same way when it comes to restaurants—I sometimes try to seek out restaurants that are least likely to have screaming kids in it! 😉

    Congrats on making FP!

    Posted by Things You Realize After You Get Married | June 23, 2011, 2:55 pm
  145. I am immediately doing a Google search for that sign — MUST purchase one!

    Fun post — and totally agreed. And I DO have children…


    Posted by Mikalee Byerman | June 23, 2011, 2:51 pm
    • Isn’t it great?? There’s one in a restaurant by my house and I laugh every time I see it…I mean espresso and a puppy? Sounds like a hyperactive nightmare if there ever was one!

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 2:59 pm
  146. haha… the way you describe it… that “Their little darlings should be allowed into every establishment on the planet”… hilarious.

    I don’t entirely understand the urge to put small children in yoga at all. Ilove yoga… but I don’t have the attention span of a gnat. It isn’t a negative thing about children… they just don’t maintain interest for a very long time… which is why sports and activities that involve sometiems running, and sometimes having the ball, and sometimes kicking, and sometimes spinning in circles staring at the sky (ok, that last one probably isn’t an actual PART of most team sports… but it is if you’re 6!…)… and being loud as you want to be… those are the things that make your kid have fun. My sister used to make snow (ie, scrape the ice with her skate) when she was assigned goalie duty in hockey. do some stretches at the end of it with them, they’ll learn yoga in small bursts and bouts that they can handle with their limited attention spans.

    Posted by lexy3587 | June 23, 2011, 12:34 pm
    • Apparently your sister and I were the same kid when we were 6, because all I did in soccer was play with the sideline chalk….but I’m a firm believer in the “get out of the house and go run around” philosophy, if for no other reason then it expends mass amounts of that Energizer-like kid energy.

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 3:04 pm
      • lol, yeah, i could see the enjoyment of sideline chalk! I wasn’t a particularly sporty kid, so apparently i missed out on all the stuff you can do while participating in sports that has nothing to do with … well… the game play 😛
        also… wow, some of the comments are getting quite nasty about kids in general, and parents/their parenting ability. I think they might be missing the point of your post… which seemed to be more about the appropriateness of some venues for children. Also, I didn’t get the impression that this woman was a bad parent (she seemed quite involved in trying to teach them yoga)… just that she hadn’t picked the right venue for her kids to try out yoga (maybe a kids class… or a parent-child type class, which are offered in many places), and hadn’t necessarily picked the right kind of activity for two young boys to be involved in and enjoy without disrupting the class.
        Also, congrats on FP… i don’t think that had happened when I read your blog this morning 🙂

        Posted by lexy3587 | June 23, 2011, 7:59 pm
        • Thanks so much for reading! I know some of the comments are getting pretty mean, and the point of my article wasn’t that I hate kids and think they should be banned from all public places. It was just an experience that I used in the broader context of “what is an appropriate place to take kids;” I’m glad you noticed the difference, and I do like kids. I feel like I’m under attack from the PTA right now.

          Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 8:11 pm
      • lol… the PTA fighting against childless insurgents!
        Don’t worry too much about the people who are taking your post badly… at least they don’t know where you live 🙂

        Posted by lexy3587 | June 23, 2011, 8:21 pm
        • Very true…I would probably come home to a either a riot or a pile of smoldering ashes. Leanred my lesson. Posts about kids and parenting are a touchy, touchy subject.

          Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 8:27 pm
  147. I teach at a local community college and a student brought 3 children with her to take her final exam. They were probably 3, 5 and 8 or 9. I asked her to take them out of the room while the other students were taking their exam. She cried because she did not have a baby sitter. We made arrangements for her to return to the college, without the children, to take the final at a later time. I was floored by both her audacity in bringing them to class, and insisting they wouldn’t be a distraction to a room full of nervous students.

    I love children and I love your description of them…funny, endearing, dirty little miniature humans. I just don’t love them in spots I consider to be adult – and yoga class would be one of those spots

    Posted by k8edid | June 23, 2011, 12:09 am
    • Oh my. I would have had a cow. And I do genuinely enjoy kids and I’m not anit-kid in any way, I just think there are certain places that should remain “adult only.” Sort of like the “Adults Only” swimming pools at nice resorts.

      Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 3:01 pm
      • Thing is…unless a place is POSTED as being “adults only,” it seems sort of unfair to assume every parent (every adult, for that matter) has exactly the same impression of what those places should be.

        I’m the mom who takes her kids to a lot of places with her. I’m also the mom who hears fairly regular comments (usually from the person who gave the narrow-eyed look when we entered) about how polite, well-mannered, and non-disruptive my children are. Because I PARENT my children, whether at home or in public, and if we are someplace where they can’t handle it, we quietly leave. (I don’t take them to yoga classes, but we do go to classical concerts and plays and such.)

        I totally get the basic gist of what you are saying, but the implication (more in the comments than in your post, but it’s everywhere) that kids are something no one should have to deal with unless they want to is REALLY a problem, IMO. I personally think asshats who drive their cars in busy lots with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a phone to their ear should be banned from the parking lot. Or any road, for that matter. But I don’t assert it with righteous indignation. (Well, I guess I am here, but you sort of opened the door for it.) I think people who not only neglect to turn their phones off but also feel the need to ANSWER them in inappropriate settings like movies or church or I guess yoga classes should also be not allowed. I think people who wear too much fragrance should not be allowed into public spaces, especially enclosed ones. In fact, now that I think of it, most of the truly jerky behavior I witness in all sorts of settings comes from adults, not kids.

        Children are not a different species of human being; they are human beings who happen to have fewer years and thus are possibly (but not for sure) less mature than some of their less chronologically challenged counterparts.

        You’re a good writer, but I wish your FP offering had been a little less petulant and a little more open-minded. Or maybe it’s just supposed to be controversial.

        Posted by J. | June 23, 2011, 8:41 pm
        • First, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to write, I really appreciate the feedback! My mom and dad took my brother and I lots of places when we were little so I guess we were moderately well behaved. I feel like I have to defend myself here, because I know that misbehaving kids are in the minority (I’m actually a nanny, so I’m well-versed in the good-kid/bad-kid dichotomy) and that there are a lot of well-behaved, perfectly polite kids out there, and my post wasn’t intended as a diatribe against people with kids. It was just meant to be funny, relatable and tongue-in-cheek, and I never write with the intention of being controversial, petulant or especially being Freshly Pressed, I just got lucky. I think the sign thing is tricky, though…you wouldn’t see a sign outside a five-star restaurant prohibiting kids, but you probably also wouldn’t expect to see a bunch of kids inside either. Just an understood thing between establishment and clientele. Either way, I’ve gotten a lot of feedback, positive and negative, so I’ve learned a few things today. I’m sorry you thought my post was sub-par for the Freshly Pressed page, but thank you for reading, and I appreciate your feedback!!

          Posted by Rachel | June 23, 2011, 11:50 pm
  148. Omg I agree. I think Parents get this complex that their kids are *special* and they should be allowed everywhere they want, but these same people will bitch about a screaming baby at a nice restaurant as much as the next guy.

    Also, if you complain to the yoga place, perhaps they wont let them in.

    Posted by Bullshit and Blasphemy | June 22, 2011, 8:29 pm
    • Hah you’re right, I didn’t complain though I figured I could let it slide…but just this once

      Posted by Rachel | June 22, 2011, 10:49 pm
    • I absolutely with you on this. It blows me away that so many parents feel they are entitled to having their kids everywhere and anywhere they want…even when it is inappropriate or distruptive to others. When I am at yoga or my fitness boot camp, the last thing I want to hear is kids giggling, screaming, running around or whispering LOUDLY.

      Posted by thejackswild79 | June 23, 2011, 9:33 pm


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